PsL News & CD-ROM December 1993 1. News & Views - articles, bug reports, retail products reviews/specials 2. Monthly Additions Disks - [now put in files below by category] 3. Windows 3 - applications, games, graphics, programming, utilities a. Windows Quick Looks and Updates. (Just press "a".) 4. Home - finance, education, games, diet/health, home management, science 5. Business - accounting, comm., network, database, mail list, spreadsheets 6. Words & Graphics - DTP, graphics, printer fonts & utils, word processing 7. Programming - A.I., assembler, Basic, C, Forth, Pascal, other 8. Utilities - anti-virus, archiving, DOS tools, system testing, etc 9. Special Interests - religion, engineering, music, stats & math =====News & Views - Programming is Easier Than Ever - How We Review Programs - A Day or Two In the Life... - Shareware Overload? - New Retail Products ...$15 Game Controller/Joystick ...$5 Grateful Dead Mouse Pad ...$25 King's Quest VI CD-ROM Offer ...$149 Network System installs on parallel port ...Bram Stoker's Dracula ...Front Page Sports: Football Pro -----Programming is Easier Than Ever Starting with this month's PsL Monthly CD-ROM, we are putting a section of PsL's disk-based library on the CD each month. The section this month is Programming. The major programming sections in PsL are Basic, C, Pascal, and Assembly Language. Other languages included are Cobol, Fortran, Forth, Modula2, artificial intelligence languages (e.g.: Lisp), and others. Each programming section has tutorials for learning the language, third-party compilers and/or interpreters, tools to make programming easier, libraries of routines and individual routines to add features to your programs without having to do the programming yourself, and more. ---Picking a Language [CD-ROM Note: Ignore disk numbers and look in the PRGMMING directories.] If you have an interest in programming, first pick a language, study some of the tutorials, and try some of the third-party compilers to see how you like it. We recommend starting with Basic because it is the easiest program with which to get immediate results. Disk #4744, Basic Training, is a good tutorial and MegaDisk set #27344 gives you three different Basic compilers to try. MegaDisk set #27053 is a trial version of Microsoft's QuickBasic, but if you got QBASIC with your version of DOS, you can do a lot with it, short of turning your program into an EXE file. Young people who are serious about programming and may want to make it a career might want to start with assembly language and learn the basic elements of programming. A86 (disk #0690) is an outstanding assembler and comes with D86, a powerful debugger, by the same author. Megadisk set #27052 is a collection of 5 disks (for a total of $6.99) for learning assembler. If you really want to maximize results and minimize programming, you cannot do any better than Visual Basic for Windows. With an understanding of only a few of the most essential elements of programming, such as DO-WHILE and FOR-NEXT loops and calling subroutines, you can write professional looking programs. While a dying breed of hard-core DOS users still swear that they will never use Windows, nowhere are the advantages of Windows more evident than in programming with VB. ---DOS vs Windows Programming For a good example, compare the CD-ROM access programs for DOS and for Windows. The DOS version was written with Microsoft's Professional Development System 7 (MS's euphemistic name for Basic). The Windows version was written in VB. A great deal of the code in the PDS version has to do with displaying text, scrolling text, and detecting user's input. Virtually none of that code is needed in VB because Text Boxes with scroll bars display the text automatically. VB takes care of detecting user input and executing the proper code. The DOS program requires you to load a third-party TSR (by the name of Together) to view graphics and the Windows version does not. This is because like the mouse support in the Windows version, graphics support is a function of Windows and the programmer does not have to worry about it at all. In contrast, writing a program in DOS to try to support the countless variations in video graphics is a daunting task which we are happy to leave to the author of Together. ---VB - Almost No Programming At All! To give you an idea of how little programming can be required with Visual Basic, take a look at the following screen shot of a Windows wallpaper changer being written: In the screen shot, the box that the user sees (with the title "PsL's Wallpaper Changer") is surrounded by VB windows. This program, which we have put in the WIN\UTILITIES directory of the CD this month as [CH_PAPER], lets you change drives using a pull-down drive box (upper right of the PsL window) which displays all available drives, change directories with a scrolling directory box which automatically changes when a new drive is selected. To the left of the directory box is a file list box which shows all the files in the selected directory. The user can change the Windows wallpaper simply by clicking on a file name, or can enter a number of minutes in the box above the file box to have the program display each BMP file in the directory. All of these boxes were inserted into the PsL window simply by clicking the appropriate button to the left of the window. Below the PsL box are two code boxes. The bottom one sets up the necessary Windows commands for the program to call to cause the wallpaper to change. These commands were cut-and-pasted from a VB-Windows reference file. The box above that is essentially all the code required by this program - two lines which call the Windows commands. The first line, "Sub m_Change_Click" is just the title of the subroutine. "m_Change" is the name we gave the menu item "Change". When the user clicks on that menu item, VB/Windows automatically runs this subroutine. The programmer doesn't have to worry about what the mouse is doing, about what kind of video the user has, about creating and operating all the directory and drive boxes, or even about what makes the wallpaper change once the command is given. Voila - a very useful utility with virtually no programming! -----How We Review Programs PsL's reviewers have to test and review up to 1000 programs a month (including those which are ultimately rejected). We are often asked how we can review so many programs every month. Part of the answer is that we have an experienced staff, most of whom have been with PsL for years. The other part of the answer is a program which automates much of the review process. PsL's Reviews program starts by automatically virus-checking the new disk/files as part of the installation process. Reviews is tied into a database which can instantly tell us if a program has been written up in the past and if so, it can insert information from the past write-up into the current one. Since we get well over 100 updates a month and have written up over 10,000 programs in the past, this one feature saves a tremendous amount of time. For new programs, Reviews makes it easy for reviewers to run programs and to extract information from DOC files for use in the write-ups. The Reviews program runs in Windows, where it is easy to test-run a program and view the docs in separate windows while keeping Reviews open in another window. Paint Shop Pro, another Windows app, makes it easy to capture program screens, whether text based or graphical, and to manipulate the screen images before saving them for inclusion with the program write-up. When all the reviews for a month have been done, checked and edited, the program assigns disk numbers and assembles the write-ups into categories for importing into FrameMaker (DTP program) where the raw text is prepared for output to PostScript files and sent to the printing company. The result is the monthly PsL News. -----A Day or Two In the Life... ...of the computers at PsL. For about a year, we struggled with a problem of one of our systems locking up when opening a DOS window in Windows. We reinstalled Windows, Stacker, and every other piece of software on the machine. We replaced every component including the mother board. We appealed to Microsoft for help to no avail. The problem has apparently been solved. A MediaVision techie told us to move their drivers from a Stacked drive to an unStacked part of the drive. Although we don't understand the connection, we did so and the problem went away. Another "feature" of Windows that I've been unable to figure out is how to turn down the volume on the Multimedia Mixer and have it STAY turned down. I've adjusted everything I can find in WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI and any other INIs to no avail. I still get a 150 decibel trumpet blare every time Windows starts. One of our reviewers, Mary, was testing a program the other day and had to reboot her machine. Upon restarting, the computer refused to recognize her hard drive. We tried everything, ending up with removing the drive from the case, and starting the machine with the hard drive sitting on top of the case. Surprise, it worked! We put it back in the case and everything's been fine. The hard drive must have just wanted a little freedom for awhile. Today, one of our other reviewers, Paul, rebooted his machine and HIS computer refused to recognize his hard drive. He tried switching controllers, and still nothing, which tended to rule out the controller. He stuck the drive on another machine and it came up with no problem, which tended to rule out the drive. After trying everything else, we replaced the computer's power supply and that fixed it. Yesterday we installed a brand new CD-ROM drive on a machine. It refused to accept a CD caddie, so we sent it back to the manufacturer and must wait a week or two for a replacement. We lost about six hours of work because a commercial text editor, Kedit, not only lost the work in progress by aborting with an error message about EMS memory; it also trashed the disk file as it aborted. The blame in this case seems to go to a newly installed memory manager. But the problem is compounded by Windows 3 (which is also noodling with memory), a disk cache, a DOS window within Windows, a keyboard macro TSR within the DOS window, and THEN loading Kedit, which swaps data to EMS itself. Another DOS window is open and also has TSR's loaded in it. And of course when the computer boots up, it loads CD-ROM drivers, sound card drivers, network drivers, removable cartridge drivers, mouse drivers, print spoolers, Stacker drivers, etc. Remember that all of this has been cobbled onto a system which IBM originally marketed with 16k of RAM and a port for using a dime-store cassette player for data storage and retrieval. The wonder is not that today's systems are sometimes unreliable, but that they ever work at all. -----Shareware Overload? A couple of people have told us that the PsL Monthly CD is more software than they can handle. They don't get through looking at one month's CD before the next month's comes. We agree that the CD provides an embarrassment of riches, and the volume of software on the CD quadruples starting this month with the addition of sections of PsL's disk based library. On the other hand, we have also talked to people who have bought a half-dozen diskettes from PsL and did not get around to looking at them until months later, so it's a matter of degree. The main point to remember is that just as you don't read every single word in a newspaper or magazine nor watch every show that comes on TV, you don't have to use every program that comes on the CD. If over time you use only a few programs from each CD, it pays for itself. Also, unlike newspapers and magazines which are too bulky to keep and too hard to search when you do want to look something up in an old issue if you do keep them, the PsL CDs create a valuable library of software in a small space. And because the cumulative listings of prior CDs are included with each new CD, it is easy to find programs on old CDs by program name, author name or type of program. -----New Retail Products ---Command Pad #30414 $15 Arcade games on the PC already equal and sometimes surpass those on the Nintendo-style games, but if you are still using a mouse or even a joystick to play them, you are missing out on the playing action of the arcade game machines. For only $15, there's no reason to miss out any longer. This Nintendo-style game controller plugs into your game/joystick port. (Many computers and nearly all sound cards have game ports.) No drivers are needed because most games have gamepad/joystick support built in. ---Grateful Dead Mouse Pad #30417 $5 Deadheads rejoice! For a mere $5, you can own a mouse pad emblazoned with the logo from the band that refuses to die. The beautiful red roses surrounding a grinning skeleton are the perfect addition to any desktop. (Shipping is $3 if ordered alone; no additional shipping if ordered with anything else.) ---King's Quest VI CD-ROM #30382 $25 This special upgrade version is available to owners of any previous King's Quest games. (You do not have to send in your previous game. This offer is on the honor system.) It contains an incredible 50-megabyte animated introduction, a special Video for Windows presentation, several hours of digitized dialog and narration by actors, and much more. ---Coactive Network #30418 $149 per PC, $35 per Mac If you have ever wished for a cheap and easy way to share files among computers, send messages from one machine to another, or to share printers, the Coactive network system may fill the bill, but its drawbacks are that it is a bit of a memory hog and it is terribly slow. The Coactive Network hardware consists of a small device that connects to your computer's parallel port. It has a pass-through connector so that you can still plug in your printer, but if you are already using a pass-through connector, such as for the SyDos Personal CD, you will have to use another parallel port. The necessary software is self-installing. Each network device has two phone plug jacks and standard telephone wire is used to connect the computers. Coactive guarantees that you can hook up a basic network in less than 5 minutes. The Coactive software makes each computer on the network think it has a drive "N:", and each computer has a name which appears as a subdirectory on N:. For example, if you hook up two computers and call one "DESKTOP" and the other "LAPTOP", when you enter DIR N: you will see N:\DESKTOP and N:\LAPTOP. To copy files from the desktop computer to the laptop, you just enter COPY FILENAME.EXT N:\LAPTOP. Copying a 56k file to another machine on the network took 15 seconds. Copying the same file to a floppy took 5 seconds. A 316k file took 75 seconds on the network. Obviously, passing floppies around is still going to be the preferred method for transferring large amounts of data unless you can arrange to do it while you are away from your machine. On the other hand, we set up a large database file on one machine and let the other machines access records in it (the network's "N:" is just another drive to your software). The time to get a record and display it was quite acceptable. Another feature of Coactive is the ability to share printers. This is a natural since the network attaches to the printer port and has printers plugged into it. The print spooler takes another 9k. Coactive is sufficient for exchanging small files such as email among computers. It is also an easy way to network a slot-less laptop or notebook. And Mac connectors are just $35. If your need is to transfer files or other large chunks of data throughout the day, you will need a faster (and more expensive) system. For any of the other uses mentioned in this article, you will find it to be a cheap and easy solution. ---Bram Stoker's Dracula #30416 $39.95 Battle the Prince of the Undead in this incredible 3-D animated arcade game. As Jonathan Harker you will travel to Transylvania to track down and destroy hoards of vampires and finally face the Dark One himself in his dreadful castle. The VGA graphics are very well done. The excellent user interface is reminiscent of Castle Wolfenstein. The game also features digitized sounds and music to enhance the overall creepiness. Requires a 1.44mb disk drive, a Microsoft compatible mouse, 384K EMS memory, and a hard drive. ---Front Page Sports: Football Pro #30415 $45 If you are looking for a stunningly realistic football simulation, look no further. You are in total control of the season from start to finish, with hundreds of user-definable options. Authentic NFL rosters and stats are used, and leagues can have up to 28 teams with 1400 professional players. There is a comprehensive tutorial, incredible animation filmed from actual players, digitized speech and helmet-crunching sound effects, a play editor with over 1000 stock plays, 10 field viewing angles plus a blimp-view zoom, three skill levels of coaching and play, play book printing capabilities, and much, much more. This game was voted 1993's "Sports Game of the Year" by Computer Gaming World. Requires a 386/25 or better, 2 meg RAM with EMS, DOS 5+, VGA, 10 meg of free hard disk space, and 1.44 mb floppy drive. A mouse or joystick is recommended. -----Changes in PsL News on CD-ROM: The PsL News files on past CDs have been exact duplicates of the text and arrangement of the printed PsL News. Starting this month, we have decided to use a different arrangement for the CD that makes more sense (we hope) for this medium. The difference is that in our disk-based library and thus in PsL News, we have always grouped new small programs onto disks which we call "Monthly Additions Disks". The Monthly Additions Disks often contain programs of many different types, so if you were interested in a financial programs for the office, for example, you would have to look in two different places - the write-ups of the new large program disks in the "Business - Financial" section and in the "Monthly Additions Disks" sections for small programs. Starting with this month's CD, all programs, large and small, are written up together by category. Also, in PsL News, we segregate what we call "Quick Looks", which are available only on CD or by special order, from the new programs being added to PsL's permanent catalog for reasons which normally have nothing to do with the quality of the programs. Starting with this month's CD, Quick Looks and programs being added to PsL's catalog will all be written up together by category. Updated programs will continue to be written up apart from new programs. Each updated program write-up will have a PsL category code at the start of the write-up to make it possible to look back at the original write-up in the Reviews file (in \REVIEWS on the CD) by pressing the W key. Lastly, we have decided to leave out the PsL disk numbers from the CD version of PsL News for those programs that are on the CD. We will continue to show numbers when reference is made to programs NOT on the CD. Your feedback on theses changes and suggestions for ways to improve the PsL Monthly CD are welcome. =====Windows Programs Contents: -----Home Applications -----Business Applications -----Desktop Utilities -----Education -----Small Games -----Large Games -----Graphics, Icons, Fonts, Wallpaper -----Program/File Management -----Home Applications Master Amortizer 2.92 [AMO292] (Don Norman, reg. fee: $30) is an amortization program for Windows with a number of useful functions. It can calculate payments, create a comparative table of payments, and produce a variable amortization schedule with any start date and any year end. CDMaster for Windows 2.01 [CDMASTER] (Unicorn Software Limited, ASP; reg. fee: $30.) is a Windows version of the popular CD catalogging system for DOS. It features compatibility with the DOS version and a host of useful features for the novice collector or ardent audiofile. Features include user-defined fields and pick lists, no limit to the number of songs per CD, a user-defined pull-down category list, sophisticated printing options, and much more. This is available on 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. Guitar Teacher for Windows 1.5 [GT_WIN] (Celista Software, reg. fee: $17-25) is a system for displaying guitar-chord diagrams. Features include five chord formulas (major, major 7, minor, minor 7, 7), four alternatives for each chord, formula and voicing displays, right- or left-handed fingering, a guitar tuner, and more. Requires WIN31, VGA, and a mouse. VBRUN200 is required. InfoPop for Windows 1.11 [IPWIN] (Clyde W. Grotophorst, reg. fee: $0) is a Windows 3.1 help file that provides a hypertext guide to the Internet, BBS systems, Compuserve and much more. This information is useful to both the Internet novice as well as experienced users. Military Pay Calculator 2.0a [MILPAY] (Ralph Sabene, reg. fee: $5) calculates military retirement income and active duty pay. It can also calculate federal income tax, social security (FICA) taxes, BAQ, BAS, VHA, etc. The new DOD early retirement option is addressed, and there is an option to update the paytable and taxtable as they change. Requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. Mortgage Plus & Mortgage Tracker 1.0b [MTGPLUS] (Michael J. Peters, reg. fee: $43.00) is a detailed mortgage analysis package including itemized closing cost details, fixed or ARM, monthly or bi-weekly. It also provides pre-qualification analysis, and the most detailed refinance analysis on the market. Mortgage Tracker keeps you in touch with your mortgage payments, gives you an analysis of making extra payments, and much more. Requires WIN31. (1.44mb) The CIS Node Locator 1.0 [NODES1] (Andy Abercrombie, reg. fee: $0) will find a location when you enter a CIS node and press the Find Button. It should be helpful during a conference to find out where the others are calling from without having to ask. Nutrisoft Pregnancy Nutritition for Windows 2.1 [NSPREG] (NutriSoft, reg. fee: $39) is a valuable tool for expectant parents who want to improve the health of their unborn child. It contains a database of common foods, and allows you to track their nutritional content. This program is based on the latest findings of the National Academy of Pediatrics, the National Academy of Sciences and on the U.S. Surgeon General's report on maternal and child nutrition. Requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. New Testament for Windows 1.5 [NTW15] (Craig Mortensen, reg. fee: $17) features the complete King James text of the New Testament in an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface. It includes hypertext and text search capabilities, color reference maps, timelines, tutorials and study-aids. This is ideal for Bible students and others seeking to learn more about the New Testament. VBRUN300 is included. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. SeedMaster for Windows 2.3 [SEEDMSTW] (Scott Musser, reg. fee: $40) is a complete Bible study and concordance program for Windows 3.1. It allows you to create multiple Bible text windows, with up to 10 Commentary and/or Topics windows, and a Lexicon window. An indexed concordance searches quickly for Bible words and phrases. Searches can be stored to disk and combined using AND, OR, XOR and NOT logic. Search Statistics gives a book by book summary of number of hits and percentages. This is fully compatible with the DOS version which is available on disk #27137. FundExpert for Windows 3.2 [WFUND32] (George R. Cotten, reg. fee: $40) is a portfolio manager program for investors in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. It maintains a record of all transactions, calculates actual return on investments and yield to maturity of bonds, prepares tabulations for IRS Schedule D, and much more. It also facilitates telephone communication with many mutual funds (for quotes and account information,) and permits placing of telephoned orders with Fidelity Brokerage. Requires Windows 3.1 ---Updates: Home Applications (WI-01) Address Manager 2.1d [AM_21D] (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $40) helps you track address, phone numbers, comments, and important dates. (WI-01) The Bill Drawer 2.11 [BDRAWER] (MelissaSoft Systems, reg. fee: $15-30) helps you organize and pay your bills in a timely manner. NEW: handles detail tracking of credit cards with full reconciliation features, additional options for splitting income and expense amounts to different budget categories, and more. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-01) buttonFile 1.0 [BFILE1A, BFILE1B, BFILE1C, BFILE1D, BFILE1E] (ButtonWare, reg. fee: $77) (formerly TakeNote) is a powerful personal database for Windows. It can store names, addresses and multiple phone numbers on pre-defined cards; manage and maintain multiple address files; auto-dial any phone number and create a list of frequently-used speed dial numbers; print mailing labels, various reports, and 3x5 cards. Other features include advanced search capabilities including "sounds-like" searches, import/export to Windows Cardfile, ASCII CSV, dBase and WordPerfect, and much more. This is available on five 360K disks or two 3.5" 1.44mb disks for the special disk fee of $9.99. (WI-01) Collect! for Windows 2.0 [COLWIN2] (Gary Alston, reg. fee: $25.00) is a powerful program for managing any sort of collection. Requires VGA and a mouse. (WI-01) Mortgage Designer for Windows 2.03 [MDW] (MaeDae Enterprises, reg. fee: $44) performs fast and easy mortgage calculations. NEW: better performance, and a more logical layout. (WI-01) Paramind 1.3 [PARAMIND] (Robert Pearson, reg. fee: $50) is an interesting brainstorming program for Windows. You simply type an idea into the familiar word processor-like interface, and the program can produce a list of hundreds of related ideas. Now available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-01) Parents 3.06 [PARENTS] (NickleWare, reg. fee: $25) is a genealogy program for Windows 3.1. NEW: GEDCOM import/export, font selection for reports, family group sheet report, improved search capabilities, and more. (WI-01) RetireA for Windows 1.1 [RETIREA] (Tom McGrath, reg. fee: $15) is a powerful retirement planning tool for Windows 3.1. (WI-01) Time Log 1.5 [TIMELOG] (Timothy J. Denihan, reg. fee: $17) allows you to log, total, and print dates and amount of time spent on any number of projects. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-01) Financial Analysis for Windows 3.2 [WINFN32A,WINFN32B] (Gjetaas, Inc, ASP; reg. fee: $44.) is a collection of financial analysis programs for Windows. NEW: a total of 18 analysis modules, support for international date and currency formats, allows for "short and long" first payment periods in loan amortization schedules, and more. Now on two disks. (WI-01) WinStorm 2.0 [WINSTORM] (Ingramation, reg. fee: $25) is a storm tracking program for Windows. NEW: printing capabilities, the ability to screen historical storms by geographic region, an editable list of warning cities, and more. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb Megadisk and CD only. -----Business Applications FileBox [FILEBOX] (L. E. Brown, reg. fee: $20) is a file management package for Word for Windows. It allows you to organize your documents using a simple metaphor of Folders and Files. Each folder can have an unlimited number of files, and each folder and file can have longer detailed descriptions to help you remember their contents. Items can be easily opened by browsing lists and clicking on descriptions. KWCast [KWCAST] (Karl Weller, reg. fee: $29) is a network broadcast utility for Windows and DOS. It allows you to send a message to all stations. MailWatcher 3.0 [MAILWTC] (DLW Consulting, Inc., reg. fee: $10) notifies users of Microsoft Mail that they have mail even after MSMail is unloaded. Requires VBRUN300. Money Math 1.1 [MOMATH1] (Lovell's, ASP; reg. fee: $26.) provides financial analysis tools capable of calculating Annuities, Bank Discount, Bonds, CD's, Compound Interest, Discounted Cash Flow, Loan Amortization, and Simple Interest in ten different dialog boxes. Overall, more than forty-five different unknown variables can be calculated. Extensive Windows help is available for each calculation dialog box including twelve detailed examples. Maintenance Planning and Management 1.0D [MPMDEMO] (Borje Kyrklund, reg. fee: $130) a tool for planning and management of the maintenance activities of an industry of any kind that uses equipment to produce its output. The number of data records in this demo version is limited to 15. Netlinx 2.0 [NETLINX] (S.I.G.M.A. Software Limited, reg. fee: $75/server) is a Windows-based network login program. It also allows users to connect/disconnect from available printers and services. Requires VBRUN200. Time Card 1.1 [TIMCARD] (David Merriman, ASP; reg. fee: $5) keeps track of how long you spend on different projects or tasks. It uses a unique graphical time clock/time card interface, and can maintain up to 100 timing periods for up to 10 projects. Most actions are accomplished by dragging a time card onto the Start Clock, Stop Clock, Trash Can, etc. Accumulated information may be exported in Excel compatible format. VBRUN200 is included. WinNet Mail 2.0 [WINNET20] (Bob Tague, ASP; reg. fee: $0) is the start-up software for access to WinNet services and serves as an application for sending and receiving Electronic Mail and News articles with the world-wide Internet and Usenet networks. Connection is provided by Computer Witchcraft, Inc. (720K) ---Updates: Business Applications (WI-1a) Almanac for Windows 3.1 [ALM31] (Impact Software, reg. fee: $52-84) is a powerful calendar and information utility for Windows 3.1. NEW: new sizes of day binder printouts added, a Phonebook tool has been added that tracks phone numbers/addresses and dials numbers using a Hayes compatible modem, more accurate sunrise/sunset calculations, individual notes may be printed, language customization, and much more. Now available on a single 360K disk. (WI-1a) AutoSavit! 2.0 [AUTOSV] (Alessandro Gatti, reg. fee: $10) automatically saves your files and subdirectories to a network server. Now requires VBRUN300. (WI-1a) Chartist 1.05 [CHARTIST] (NOVAGRAPH, ASP; reg. fee: $82) is a comprehensive flow charting and organization charting package for Windows 3.1. (WI-1a) Windows Reminder 2.0a [RM_20A] (jWilson WindoWare, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $60) is a powerful time and task manager. NEW: DDE and Microsoft Mail support. (WI-1a) Scheduling Employees for Windows 3.00 [SEW] (Guia International Corporation, ASP; reg. fee: $40) is designed to assist managers in scheduling weekly personnel resources. Windows 3.1 is required. Now available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-1a) Address for Windows 2.0b [WINADRES] (Tomer Guez, reg. fee: $25) business/personal address manager. (1.44mb) (WI-1a) ZGRAPH for Windows 3.9 [ZGRAFWIN] (John Jakob, reg. fee: $15) lets you create, display, and print a variety of graph styles within Windows. NEW: ability to save graph data files, and the ability to record the number of graph axis divisions and significant digits displayed along graph axes in these files. -----Desktop Utilities DDEDial 1.0 [DDED10] (DameWare Development, reg. fee: $20) is a dynamic data exchange dial server intended for use with Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.1 database, spreadsheet and word processors which support DDE. This will eliminate the need to have separate telephone dialers for programs such as Microsoft's Acces, Excel, and Word. It also supports clipboard dialing. Desktop 1.0 [DESKTOP] (Michael James, reg. fee: $?) is an editor for Windows 3.1 that allows editing files of any size. Evaluate for Windows 3.00 [EVW300] (Eugene Nelson, reg. fee: $19) is an expression calculator that performs number base conversions and consumes minimal desktop space. EzyExit 1.34 [EZEXIT] (Ralph Arvesen, reg. fee: $0) allows you to quickly close any window currently beneath your cursor by double-clicking the right mouse button. This is a very handy little utility. Fatty Calc Tape Calculator [FATTYCLC] (Robert J. Piechuta, reg. fee: $25.00) is a calculator with a tape which works like a simple spreadsheet. It contains basic calculator functions, as well as integrated financial functions, such as calculations for mortgage payment, and future value of investment/savings. Tape entries can be annotated with comments and can be edited, printed, saved and retrieved as files. Tape entries can also be copied to the Clipboard for use in other apps like spreadsheets and word processors. (720K) KeyPro 1.2 [KEYPRO] (Eric V. Grass, reg. fee: $43) is a text file editor for Windows. Features include the display of text in both fixed and variable width fonts, unlimited file size capacity, tab stop settings, optional text and background colors, a toolbar with font and point size controls, a status bar with line and column number display, clipboard operations, text search and replacement, printing, command line support, and more. Margin Calculator 2.0 [MARGCAL] (Stan Silverman, reg. fee: $10) is a dedicated financial calculator which determines margins, cost, or sell price. You enter any two of the variables, and it provides the third. An Enhanced Calculator mode adds optional fields for discount and list price. Requires VBRUN300. M-B-A-nalyst 3.0 [MBA_CAL] (CalcTech, Inc., reg. fee: $35) is an easy-to-use financial calculator which emulates the popular Texas Instruments BA-II Plus. Requires WIN31+. Powerbar/Write 5.5 [PBWRITE] (David Stewart, reg. fee: $12) is a powerful add-on package for Windows Write. It provides Write with a toolbar of the most commonly used menu features. Other features include a clock, a file finder, a directory maker, application launching, a printer page orientation toggle, timed automatic file saving, and much more. Requires VBRUN200. SmartTop 1.0 [SMRTTOP] (Bill Dickson, ASP; reg. fee: $19) allows you to quickly and easily mark any Window as "Always-on-Top" even if it wasn't programmed that way. It can also program applications to always start on-top. Weights & Measures 2.0 [WM2] (John Q. Lavelle, reg. fee: $30) is a desktop unit conversion program for Windows. Requires VBRUN200. ---Updates: Desktop Utilities (WI-02) BarClock 2.3 [BARCLOK] (Patrick Breen, reg. fee: $15) is a small utility that displays useful information such as the time, the date, free memory, free resources and free disk space in the caption bar of the active window. Requires WIN31. (WI-02) Beyond Windows Exit 1.50.12 [BWE] (Martinsen's Software, reg. fee: $10) is a powerful, multi-function utility for exiting Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-02) CatchMe 1.2 [CATCHME] (Jeff Nagle, reg. fee: $15) displays a very small date/time window that stays on top and moves out of the way whenever the mouse cursor comes near it. Now requires VBRUN300. (WI-02) Converter 1.5 [CONVRTR] (Mike Smith, reg. fee: $5) is a comprehensive conversion program for units of measure. NEW: improved interface, online help, and Biblical measures. (WI-02) Dial-It Pro 2.0 [DIALIT] (Louis Collado, reg. fee: $20) is a desktop phone dialing package for Windows 3.1. NEW: full keyboard access, auto re-dial, credit card calling with security, speaker control, filtering, improved help, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-02) InfView 1.2 [INFVIEW] (Dean Software Design, reg. fee: $7) is a file viewer/printer that can handle all files in ASCII or Hex regardless of file size. (WI-02) Lawyer-Joke-A-Day 1.02 [LAWJOKE] (Ivory Tower Software, reg. fee: $10) is a hilarious database of jokes about the legal profession. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-02) Mega Edit 2.08 [MEGAED] (Computer Witchcraft, Inc., reg. fee: $39) is a Notepad replacement that can handle files of any size in ASCII, binary, UNIX, and Mac formats. (WI-02) Notebook for Windows NT 1.L [NOTE_NT] (Mark Berlinger, reg. fee: $10) is a powerful text editor for Windows NT. NEW: allows documents to be saved with long filenames in an NTFS partition. (WI-02) The Phone Master 1.8 [PMASTER] (Thomas Ens, reg. fee: $20) is a powerful phone number tracking package for Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (720K) (WI-02) The Gray Tree Frog Address List 9/27/93 [TFMAIL] (Jonathan Schwartz, reg. fee: $10) is a name, address, and phone number management package. Now requires VBRUN300. (WI-02) Text Manager 2.0 [TXTMGR] (Digital Software, reg. fee: $10) is a nice replacement for NotePad. NEW: font support, multiple file type support, and more. Requires WIN31. (WI-02) Text View 1.10 [TXTVIEW] (Celista Software, reg. fee: $10) is a utility for viewing text files in Windows 3.1. Includes VBRUN200. Requires VGA and a mouse. (WI-02) WinEdit 2.0N [WE_20N] (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $30-90) is a fast, full-featured programmable editor for Windows with special features designed for creating and maintaining program source code. NEW: Lite, Standard, and Pro versions with increasing functionality are included on the same disk. Now available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-02) WhizNotes 1.2 [WHIZNOTE] (Sanjay Kanade, ASP; reg. fee: $55) is a text organizer/help generator package for WIN31. (WI-02) WinWisdom 4.0 [WINWISDM] (Richard Pitts, reg. fee: $15) displays a pop-up quote every time you start Windows. There is also a timer option that displays a new quote at a user defined interval. You may also customize the colors and fonts of the display. A quote reference/editor is also provided that allows you quick and easy access to all of the quotes in your database. You can search by subject, author, or any text string. Quotes can easily be added, edited, or deleted. All quotes can be copied to the clipboard for export to other programs. VBRUN300 is included. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. -----Education Accel-One 1.0a [ACCEL1] (P. Fraundorf, reg. fee: $30) helps investigate questions about the motion of an object undergoing constant acceleration in one dimension. It provides graphical, numerical, and analytic solutions to such problems using either Newtonian or special relativistic expressions. Any 3 of 5 independent variables are allowed. VBRUN200 is required. Cash for Kids 1.0T [CASHKID] (Adrian-Thomas Developments Inc., reg. fee: $30) helps teach children 5-13 to manage their money wisely. A simple checkbook-style register records transactions, and allowances are deposited automatically. Your child sets future spending goals and graphs show if they are saving enough to reach them. Optional password security keeps each child's records private. A handy calendar and the Windows calculator can be activated with a single mouse click. Requires VGA and a mouse. Examiner 1.0 [EXAMINER] (J. Roy Burman, reg. fee: $59) is a quiz producing package. It allows the creation of multiple-choice and fill in the blank tests, and has a "learner" mode that presents a question and displays the correct answer. Length and time of a session is user configurable. Flashmath for Windows 2.0 [FLASHMTH] (George Cole, reg. fee: $22.00) helps students learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The program displays the problems in flash card fashion on top of a BMP picture that you can change. Limits and ranges can be set for each student. Tests can also be created and saved. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. HangWin 1.21a [HANGWIN] (Thomas A. Early, ASP; reg. fee: $15) is the traditional hangman word game for Windows 3.1. It features colorful animation and WAV sound support. There is a standard game which allows six guesses and an easy game which allows ten guesses. A sample dictionary is supplied, or you can create your own word list. The scoring window displays the average number of guesses per word, the number of words played in the current game, and the percentage of correctly guessed words. This is a nicely done package, suitable for all ages. Hangman Jr. Hebrew Edition [HJH] (Alston Software Labs, reg. fee: $24) is a Hebrew-language spelling game for children. A Hebrew font is included. VBRUN200 is required. ---Updates: Education (WI-03) Automata 3.2 [AUTOMATA] (Paul Franceschi, reg. fee: $50) study and analyze cellular automata. Also creates interesting bitmaps. NEW: several new bitmap and icon patterns included. (WI-03) Kurv+ for Windows 2.4 [KURV1,KURV2] (Conrad Button, reg. fee: $16.) is a curve fitting program for Windows 3.x. It uses X,Y data to determine the coefficients for 27 mathematical equations (including third and fourth order polynomials). (WI-03) Vocabulary Builder 1.06 [VOCABLD] (Ivory Tower Software, reg. fee: $0) can extract a vocabulary list from a text file and save the list. Now requires VBRUN300. -----Small Games PentaBlox 1.0 [PENTABL] (Aquila Software, reg. fee: $20) is a puzzle game with twelve unusual pieces and 2339 unique solutions. The pieces may be rotated and flipped for placement using a handy toolbar and the drag and drop interface. There is no timer and no falling pieces as in Tetris games, and your solutions can be saved to a file for future reference. Slam! 1.0 [WSLAM] (Robert Epps, reg. fee: $10) an excellent air hockey game for Windows 3.1. It allows you to play on a 3-D table agains a computerized opponent with adjustable speed and aggressiveness. You may also customize screen colors and the overhead view angle. A 386 or better CPU is required. ---Updates: Small Games (WI-04) Block Breaker 3.13E [BLOK_BR] (Yutaka Emura, reg. fee: $10) is a colorful WIN31 version of the old Breakout game. (WI-04) Jewel Thief 1.4 [JEWLTHF] (ServantWare, ASP; reg. fee: $10) is a mouse-driven arcade game where you try to steal as many jewels as you can while avoiding the ever-present guards. -----Large Games Battles on Distant Deserts 1.5 [BDD150] (Glacier Edge Technology, reg. fee: $15-25) is a strategic war game for Windows that presents hypothetical battles which could have occurred during Operation Desert Storm. You can command M1A1 Tanks, M2 Bradleys, AH-64 Apaches, Infantry and other units against Saddam's T72s, T62s, T55 tanks, BMP IFVs, and Infantry in a variety of tactical situations. You can play against the computer or a friend, and choose to fight for the Coalition or Iraqi forces. Boxem 1.0 [BOXEM] (Flat Rabbit Software, reg. fee: $18) is a game of logic similar to "pen-the-pig" or "squares". The object of the game is to build more boxes on the game grid than your opponent. When a complete box is made, the box is removed to show a portion of a picture which lies under the playing board. When all the boxes are made, the complete picture becomes visible and a brief description of the picture appears. This game features beautiful 256-color pictures and high quality digitized sound clips. You can also add your own pictures, sounds, and descriptions to the game. Requires WIN31, 4meg RAM, VGA, mouse, and a hard disk. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. Rhapsody! A King Kong Battle 1.0 [RHAPSODY] (Jeffrey R. Marken, reg. fee: $10) is an interesting 2-player strategy game for Windows. You must maneuver your King Kong around the maze-like city to try to capture your opponent. Each player's turn consists of giving his Kong directions (North, South, East, or West) and the number of steps to take in that direction. Your turn is ended if you run into a building or fail to reach your opponent's location. Tee Time 1.2 [TEETIME] (MerryWare, reg. fee: $20) is an interesting strategy/puzzle game based on Tetris. The object of the game is to clear all the blocks on a 10x10 playing grid. The target blocks do not fall but appear in a window for placement, and can be rotated and reversed. The playing grid is divided into four 5x5 quadrants by two mirrors, one vertical and one horizontal. A row or column clears when it can be divided into two halves that are "negative mirrors" of each other. This is a very challenging game. Ultima 21 Deluxe for Windows 1.7 [ULTIMA21] (Bitwise Software International,, reg. fee: $40.) allows you to play blackjack in one of four different casinos with computerized or human players. You can control the card count, change dealers, keep statistics, and change any or all of the casino rules. (720K) Video Draw Poker 2.0 [VDP20] (WT Enterprises, reg. fee: $15 CDN) is a game of video poker for WIN31. Features include WAV sound support and 256-color card backs. A 386/33 or better machine is recommended. Requires VBRUN300. Zanti! 1.2b [ZANTI1, ZANTI2] (Patrick Sheaffer, reg. fee: $5) is an exciting multi-media arcade game. You must guide the Zanti aliens into the hands of Earth's military. This is accomplished by connecting pieces of a tunnel from the invader's ship to an ending piece. If you have played any of the "Pipe Dream" type games, you'll understand how this works. There are great 256-color graphics and digitized WAV files to add to the enjoyment of the game. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (A set of PG-13 rated graphic files for this game is available on the CD in ZANTI3.ZIP. ) ---Updates: Large Games (WI-4a) Stardate 2140.2: Battles on Distant Planets 1.5 [BDP150] (Glacier Edge Technology, reg. fee: $5-40) is a complex sci-fi battlefield strategy game for Windows. (WI-4a) Personal Golf Tracker for Windows 1.1 [PGT11] (John I. Hancock, ASP; reg. fee: $25) is a golf score database with extensive analysis of your golf game. Now includes VBRUN200 on the second disk. (WI-4a) Triple Yahoo! 2.0f [TYAHOO] (Dan Puraty, reg. fee: $10) is a Windows 3.1 version of the dice game Triple Yahtzee for up to four players. Requires VBRUN200. -----Graphics, Icons, Fonts, Wallpaper NOTE: BMP files are in ZIP format for ease of downloading and copying. BMP files have also been pre-installed on the CD in WIN\BMP.PRE for ease of use. Most icons are ZIPped and have been pre-installed in WIN\ICONS.PRE. 486DX [486DX] (Graphniques Software, reg. fee: $0) is a 3-dimensional BMP file of the Intel 486 DX logo. Baby Dino [BBDINO] (reg. fee: $0) is a 256-color BMP file of the Baby from the TV show Dinosaurs! Beavis and Butthead Icons [BEV_BUT] (reg. fee: $0) contains two icons of the infamous MTV characters. BLANKA.ICO [BLANKA] (Lucio A. Perez, reg. fee: $0) is an icon of the character "Blanka" from the video game Street Fighter 2. CANDY.BMP [CANDY] (reg. fee: $0) is a beautiful 256-color fractal image. CD.BMP [CD] (reg. fee: $0) is a color graphic file of a compact disk. CLINTON.BMP [CLINTON] (reg. fee: $) is a 256-color graphic file of President Clinton. Fractal Wallpaper [FRACWAL] (SCIS, Inc., reg. fee: $?) is a set of four BMP wallpaper files of fractal images. Desktop Ghost 1.1 [GHOST11] (TOGGLE BOOLEANS, reg. fee: $0) displays a cute little ghost that wanders around your desktop. Handwriting Font [HANDWR] (Alexander Walter, reg. fee: $0) is a fluid hand-written style font in both TrueType and LaserJet bitmapped formats. Hiero Font [HIERO] (Alexander Walter, reg. fee: $0) is an Egyptian Hieroglyphics font in both TrueType and LaserJet bitmapped formats. Ico2Bmp 1.0 [ICOBMP] (Gary R. Hawkins, reg. fee: $15) is a tool for converting icons into bitmap images. It can automatically convert one or a list of icon files to bitmap files giving the resulting bitmaps the same name as the icon files with a BMP extension. This can also function as an icon viewer. Requires VBRUN300. Christian Icons [ICONJES] (Ryan Neaveill, reg. fee: $?) contains a dozen icons with Christian themes. Icon Manager for Windows NT 3.3 [IMNT33] (Impact Software, reg. fee: $27) is a powerful tool for working with icons in the Windows NT operating environment. Icons can easily be moved, copied, and organized using a drag-and-drop interface. It can install icons directly into Program Manager or Norton Desktop using DDE, and cons may be edited using Windows Paintbrush. Load AVI [LOADAVI] (Karl Weller, reg. fee: $0) automatically imports 24-bit TGA files into Video for Windows. A hicolor card is required. Logogo 3.1b [LOGOGO] (Dick Koster, reg. fee: $6) allows you to keep multiple startup logo graphics in a ZIP file and have a new one come up every time you start Windows. Requires PKZIP/UNZIP. NOBARN.ICO [NOBARN] (reg. fee: $0) is a rather negative icon of Barney for people who don't particularly care for the ubiquitous purple dino. Desktop Pumpkin 1.1 [PUMPKIN] (TOGGLE BOOLEANS, reg. fee: $0) displays a cute blinking pumpkin icon on your desktop. SmartFont 1.0 [SMTFNT] (Bill Dickson, ASP; reg. fee: $29) is a handy font previewer that provides a scrollable window that displays all installed fonts. You can double click on any font to zoom in on it, and a window pops up with a display of sample text. You can instantly preview the font in a larger or smaller point size with bold or italic effects. TakeOne 1.0 [TAKEONE] (Rainer Doebele, ASP; reg. fee: $45) helps you create and modify bitmap images which can be imported and exported for use in other applications. TakeOne can also create animations for use in presentations, slide shows, greeting card or invitations on disk. Tpak2 [TPAK2] (T. Lee Harris, reg. fee: $15) is a set of three Mayan images for use as Windows wallpaper. Color and black and white versions are included. (720K) UNDERS.BMP [UNDERS] (reg. fee: $0) is a hilarious graphic file that succinctly parodies the complexity of modern computer systems. VIDvue 1.0 [VIDVUE] (Lawrence Gozum, reg. fee: $35) is an image viewer/utility package for Windows 3.1. It also functions as an AVI player and frame grabber. It supports a wide variety of image formats including PCX, TIFF, GIF, BMP, EPS, TGA, DIB, WPG, JPG/JIF, and DCX. Its extensive editing features allow you to zoom in, dither, convert, flip/rotate, resize, reduce color, sharpen/smooth, and adjust contrast/brightness. The VFW runtime is required for AVI playback. Requires VBRUN200. . Wallpick 1.00 [WALLPK] (Williston Consulting, reg. fee: $0) is a simple tool that allows you to quickly preview and select wallpaper files without having to go through the Control Panel. WinkBear [WINKER] (George Campbell, reg. fee: $0) is an animated graphic of a cute winking teddy bear. A sound file is provided for systems with sound cards. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN200. Zipbar 1.1 [ZIPBAR] (Jerry Whiting, reg. fee: $10) is a TrueType font that creates the PostNet bar codes used for zip codes on mail. ---Updates: Graphics, Icons, Fonts, Wallpaper (WI-05) BMP Viewer 2.0 [BMPVIEW] (Mike Young, reg. fee: $0) is a simple BMP viewing utility. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-05) Comics Icons [COMICS] (reg. fee: $0) is a set of 60 icons of assorted comic book characters. (WI-05) DropView 2.01 [DRPVIEW] (SCOTT HANRAHAN, reg. fee: $20) is a drag and drop image editor/viewer for Windows 3.1. NEW: support for BMP, GIF, PCX, TIF, EPS, and JPEG, supports all VESA true color video cards. (WI-05) Font Monster 3.3 [FMONST33] (Leaping Lizards, reg. fee: $20) is a TrueType and Type 1 font data editor, previewer, and installer for WIN31. NEW: on-screen help via a status bar, pop-up menus on right mouse click, the ability to print uninstalled TrueType fonts, and more. Requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-05) FontSpec 4.20 [FNTSPEC] (UniTech Corporation, reg. fee: $25) is a TrueType font viewer and type specimen printer for Windows 3.1. NEW: the ability to install a single font. Now requires VBRUN300. ($25) (WI-05) Graphic Workshop For Windows 1.1h [GWSWIN11] (Steve Rimmer, reg. fee: $40.) lets you view, print, dither, flip, rotate, reverse, crop, convert, and perform special effects on virtually all bitmapped image files. (WI-05) Icon Manager for Windows 3.3 [ICM33] (Impact Software, reg. fee: $27) helps create, edit, organize, extract, and install large numbers of icons in Windows 3.1. (WI-05) WinWall Plus 1.351 [WWPLUS] (Don Bradner, reg. fee: $15) tools to change, edit, and convert wallpaper. Requires Windows 3.1. Includes VBRUN300. NEW: wallpaper changes will not disrupt serial communications. (1.44) =====Windows 3 Programs, Continued Contents: -----Program/File Management -----Sounds/Multimedia -----Windows Programming -----Visual Basic Programming -----Small Windows Utilities -----Large Windows Utilities -----Program/File Management Catman 3.10 [CAT31] (N.Waltham, reg. fee: $50) helps keep track of files stored on your floppy disks. It can scan archived files, track available free space on floppies, find files, launch files, and more. Cool-Cool-Can 1.0 [CCCAN] (Kansmen Corporation, reg. fee: $59) is a one-hour demo of a Program Manager replacement. It features quick graphical file viewers, ZIP file support, file identification, drag-and-drop functionality, and more. DiskSweep 1.0 [DISKSWP] (Elite High Technology, Inc., reg. fee: $30) is a unique program for managing files on your hard drive. It keeps track of the last time you accessed a file and informs you which of your files have not been used within a certain number of days. Seldomly used files can be moved to secondary storage on a floppy disk. When a program attempts to open a stored file, it is automatically restored. It can also scan for duplicate files. This is an excellent way to help free up valuable hard disk space. Requires VBRUN200. Dropper 1.2 [DROPPER] (Harlequin Ltd., reg. fee: $?) allows you to drag and drop files from the File Manager onto the desktop. The dropped file is represented by an icon, and to launch the application you simply double click on the icon. You can also drag a file onto the icon to have it launched from within that application. Requires WIN31. Easy Access 1.1 [EASYACC] (Browns Computerworks, reg. fee: $10) is a tiny program launcher for Windows 3.1. Up to 100 items can be added to the launch list. The program's icon is about half the size of a standard icon, so it can stay on top of other applications without getting in your way. Other features include a graphic resource monitor, four-page note keeper, and a quick run dialog box. VBRUN200 is required. Finder 3.5 [FINDER] (Malcolm Hoar, reg. fee: $20) is a small and fast replacement for Windows Task Manager. It places a special icon on the titlebar of the currently active window. A single click on this icon displays a popup list of all programs running. Other features include a time/free memory display, an exit Windows option, a handy run dialog, and more. This is an excellent productivity enhancement package. Flush 1.01 [FLUSH] (Unique Software, reg. fee: $0) is a drag and drop file deletion utility for WIN31. Simply drag a file to the animated toilet icon, and the file is held until you "flush". The appropriate WAV sound files are included. Requires VBRUN300. FM Applic 1.0 [FMAPLIC] (Howard Knight, reg. fee: $25) is a powerful extension to the Windows File Manager. It provides a menu for launching your favorite applications, and can automatically launch specified programs when File Manager is invoked. Other features include special toolbar options for Windows for Workgroups users, and a unique association function that allows you to click once on an application and click on a file and have them load simultaneously. LaunchPad 1.01 [LNCHPAD] (Acelong Ltd., reg. fee: $15) is a powerful task switcher, application launcher and document manager for Windows 3.1. It features a user-configurable popup menu that lets you assign your favorite applications and commonly-used documents to a list. Adding new items to the list is extremely simple, and the application list can be accessed in a variety of ways. This is an excellent way to help increase your desktop productivity. PMmenu 1.0 [PMMENU] (MRL, ASP; reg. fee: $8) allows you to add an additional set of menu items to the Program Manager menu. Small Shell for Windows NT [SMSHLNT] (Caro Software by Wendy, reg. fee: $10) is a significantly smaller replacement for Program Manager. It uses less resources, and provides a list of commonly used programs. zDEL 2.11 [ZDELNT] (P & J's Software, reg. fee: $1-5) a file and directory deletion tool for Windows NT. Multiple filespecs may be specified to delete files and exclude files. Other features include the ability to scan all logical drives, a "wipe" option for file security, and more. ---Updates: Program/File Management (WI-06) ButtonStar Deluxe 5.0.4 [BSTAR5] (Mark DiBiasio, reg. fee: $28) (formerly ButtonBar Plus) an icon-based menu system for Windows 3.1. NEW: drag and drop configuration, popup alarms, application scheduler, popup task manager, and more. A hard disk and VGA are required. Now requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. ($28) (WI-06) Command Post 8.0h [CP_80H] (Wilson Windoware, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $50) is a powerful text based shell for Windows with programmable menus, a built-in batch language, a file manager, a file viewer, and more. Now available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-06) File Commander 2.0k [FC_20K] (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $50) allows the addition of programmable menu items to the Windows 3.1 File Manager. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-06) IconBar 1.71 [ICONBAR] (Tai-Wei Yin,, reg. fee: $15) is a NeXT dock-like supplement to Program Manager. NEW: support for ProgMan STARTUP group file. (WI-06) RipBar 4.0 [RIPBAR] (Jonathan Carroll, reg. fee: $25) is a drag and drop application launcher, memory resource tracker, and desktop clock. NEW: hotkeys, Windows NT support, keyboard navigation, an exit tool, Post-it style notes, sound support, and much more. (WI-06) Sloop Manager 1.2d [SLOOPMAN] (Sloop Software, ASP; reg. fee: $37) is a complete graphical replacement for Windows' Program Manager. NEW: corrected 256-color display problem. (WI-06) Same<>Same 1.1 [SMESME] (DPM Computer Solutions, reg. fee: $8-13) makes it easy to transfer files from one computer to another via floppy disks. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-06) Volume Library File Manager 00.99.02 [VLFM99] (By Matthew Murray, reg. fee: $10) is a replacement for Windows File Manager. NEW: better subdirectory operations, small/medium/large icon sizes, and more. (WI-06) WinCat/PRO 3.3 [WINCAT] (Mart Heubel, reg. fee: $15) is a powerful disk catalog/file management program for Windows. NEW: WAV file player, 3-D windows, disk label printing, CD support, extended search/sort capabilities, and more. (720K) (WI-06) WinFast Plus 1.2 [WINFSTP] (Art Ullman, reg. fee: $15) is a quick and easy utility for launching appliations in WIN31 and Windows NT. NEW: better setup tools, lets you minimize groups on the desktop, quick keyboard interface, and more. (WI-06) WinSince 4.0 [WINSINC] (Rob Hueniken, reg. fee: $20) allows you to search for files created on or after a particular date. NEW: built-in timer to automate file management. Includes VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (WI-06) WizManager 1.1c [WIZMGR] (Mijenix, reg. fee: $44) is a powerful add-on for Windows 3.1 File Manager. NEW: Windows for Workgroups support. (WI-06) WinMenu 3.0b [WMENU3] (Ricky Freyre, reg. fee: $20) is a menu system for Windows 3.1+. NEW: you can optionally categorize menu items into "sections" with up to 80 items, online help, instant screen saver invocation, and more. (360K) (WI-06) WinMenu for Networks 3.0b [WMENUN] (Ricky Freyre, reg. fee: $60+) is a menu system for Novell networks. -----Sounds/Multimedia AutoWave 1.0 [AUTOWAV] (OsoSoft, reg. fee: $0) lets you play a WAV file by simply double-clicking on the filename in File Manager. Requires WIN31, a sound card, a mouse, and a hard disk. VBRUN200 is also required. Boing! 1.0 [BOING1] (Bob Hayes, reg. fee: $5) allows you to assign a WAV file to its icon for instant playback by pressing the right mouse button. Sound files may also be dragged and dropped from File Manager, and multiple instances of the program are allowed. BORG.WAV [BORG] (reg. fee: $0) is a 23-second sound file of Captain Picard proclaiming that he is "Locutus of Borg". BUTTON.WAV [BUTTON] (reg. fee: $0) is a sound clip of Ren warning Stimpy not to push the "time eraser" button. Cartoon Waves [CARTOON] (reg. fee: $0) contains four interesting WAV sound files from classic Warner Brothers cartoons. CURLY.WAV [CURLY] (reg. fee: $0) is an interesting sound splice of the Three Stooges, Star Trek, and Laurel and Hardy. FALLEN.WAV [FALLEN] (reg. fee: $0) says "I've fallen...and I can't get up!". HELLO.WAV [HELLO] (reg. fee: $0) is a sample from "Big Science" by Laurie Anderson. A synthesized, robotic voice says hello. HitLine for Windows 1.0 [HITLINE] (Dieter & Jurgen Schmitz, reg. fee: $0) is a multi-functional audio CD-Player/Database. It stores Artist, Title, Tracks, Length, etc. in a high-speed BTREE-Database. Scare [SCARE] (Mike Murphy, reg. fee: $1) displays scary Halloween images with sounds on your desktop. It runs in the background and has sound card support. Requires VBRUN300. Sounds and Sights 4.0 [SSVWR4] (Whitehall Publishers, reg. fee: $40) is a combination GIF and WAV player for Windows 3.1. It allows you to play slide shows and to design your own scripts. You can also zoom in on pictures and save the results. Requires VGA or better, 4meg RAM, and VBRUN300. A sound card is required for sound features. WavMaker 1.06 [WMAKER] (Tony Azevedo, reg. fee: $?) will generate WAV files with pure sine or square wave tones. It does not require a sound card and is not a WAV player. ---Updates: Sounds/Multimedia (WI-07) SoundFX for Windows 2.0 [SFXWIN20] (David Smith, reg. fee: $20.00) contains some fun sound effects. This was recently chosen as one of top ten Windows programs by CompuServe Magazine. (WI-07) WaveS 1.6b [WAVES] (Station Software, reg. fee: $30) is a demo of a sound file editor that's fast and easy to use with many advanced features. (WI-07) WavSorter 3.0 [WAVSORT] (Shepherd Software, reg. fee: $19) provides an intuitive way to sort sound files into Macintosh-like folders. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300. -----Windows Programming Animation Kit 1.0b [ANIMATEK] (ServantWare, reg. fee: $20) contains samples for animating bitmaps, text, and cursors. These routines are taken from the popular game Jewel Thief. A complete help file and installation utility are included. Requires Windows 3.1, SDK, C compiler, DOS 3.3+, EGA or better, and a mouse. Animator [ANIMATR] (Scott Stephenson, reg. fee: $0) contains Pascal source code and an executable that shows how to access and write to the desktop screen. It simply draws some rays across the desktop while other programs are running. CShowPrcnt [CSHOWPR] (reg. fee: $?) is a class which enables you to display a modeless dialog box with a subclassed UserControl to display graphically the current state of your background processing. DBEngine 3.0 [DBENG3] (Douglas A. Bebber, reg. fee: $75) is a custom control interface to the Paradox Engine 3.x. It allows VB and Visual C++ programmers to build multi-user network-compatible database management applications. This is compatible with VB 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 and Visual C++ 1.0. DLL Master 2.03 [DLLMST] (Shaftel Software, reg. fee: $28) lists all modules currently loaded in memory. It then allows you to load, unload, or decrement the use count.. Module path, date, time and file size are shown, and lists may be saved or printed. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300. TheLister 1.01 [LISTER] (Enrico Lodolo, reg. fee: $20) is an advanced listing utility for Pascal programs. It enhances the readability of your listings, allowing you to identify at a glance the most important parts in a program. It will also number each page and mark a date/time stamp. Myddx [MYDDX] (reg. fee: $0) contains some common DDX routines for use in MFC applications. Included are Date, Time, Directory Existence and simple DDX routines for INT and float types with special handling. PackIt! 1.11.04 [PKT111] (Martinsen's Software, reg. fee: $23) is a Windows front-end to Microsoft Compress and Expand. It allows command line arguments, the ability to process multiple files at once, fast expansion using LZEXPAND.DLL, and much more. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300. TDWGUI [TDWGUI] (Jorge Monasterio, reg. fee: $0) allows you to run the Turbo Debugger as a graphical application. This should be especially useful for those who have conflicts between their graphics card and the standard debugger DLLs. Works only with Turbo Debugger for Windows. VBAPI [VBAPI] (Juancarlo Anez, reg. fee: $0) lets you build VBX custom controls using Borland Pascal. This includes source code in Pascal and Assembler, and an assembled OBJ. Windows Disassembler 1.8 [WDSM] (Eric Grass & Todd Snoddy, reg. fee: $43) disassembles Windows executable, DLLs, and device drivers. The generated assembly language code is MASM 6.0 compatible and may be displayed in a window and/or written to files. A utility is included which converts simple MASM source code into MASM 6.0 high level syntax for reducing the amount of source code and easier comprehension. WIL Technical Reference 1.1 [WILREF11] (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $?) contains documentation files for the Windows Interface Language as used in several popular Wilson WindoWare programs including File Commander, Command Post, WinBatch and WinEdit. Rosenthal WinLite 1.0 [WINLITE] (Doren Rosenthal, ASP; reg. fee: $?) compresses MS-Windows programs to help dramatically reduce their size. Compressed programs are functionally identical to the originals, only smaller. The smaller, more efficient programs save disk space, LAN overhead, disk caching resources, and help discourage reverse engineering. The menu-driven process is totally automatic and requires no additional drivers and no modification to source code or linking. Xbase ISAM Driver [XBS110] (reg. fee: $0) contains version 1.00.0002 of the Xbase ISAM driver. This is the same version that is currently shipping with Access 1.1. ---Updates: Windows Programming (WI-08) Videosoft Custom Controls 3.0 [3CTRLS] (VideoSoft, reg. fee: $45) set of three VB custom controls. NEW: optimized speed for loading/unloading VBX's and creates smaller EXE and FRM files. (WI-08) CEnvi for Windows 1.005 [CENVIW] (Nombas, reg. fee: $38) a C interpreter that doubles as a Windows batch language. (WI-08) Pprint 01 [PPRINT] (Michael Cornelison, reg. fee: $15) is a programmer's printing utility for WIN31. (WI-08) Visual Help 2.0e [VH] (WinWare, reg. fee: $49) makes it easy to create Windows Help files without having to know any of the technical in's and out's. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-08) WinBatch 4.0L [WB_40L] (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $70) is a batch language interpreter for the Windows environment. Now available on a single 360K disk. (WI-08) Windows Developer 1.561 [WINDEV] (Helios Software Solutions, ASP; reg. fee: $32) is an integrated program development environment. (WI-08) Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 #8 [WPJ1_8] (Peter J. Davis, reg. fee: $?) is a monthly forum for novice/advanced programmers to share ideas and concepts about programming in the Windows environment. This issue contains information in a Windows Help file and plain ASCII text. (720K) -----Visual Basic Programming AllText [ALLTEXT] (Bennet-Tec Information Systems, reg. fee: $125) t is a multiple font/color text box custom control. It supports the simultaneous display of multiple fonts, font characteristics and color, paragraph formatting, and the inclusion of a bitmapped background to the control. You can include an edit/display text box as part of your VB program. The ability to highlight words with colors as well as font characteristics make an excellent choice for use in word processing and hypertext applications. An executable demo is included. BarCod [BARCOD] (James Shields, reg. fee: $15) is a custom control that displays bar codes. You simply place it on your form, size it to your liking, and set the style. It supports 3 of 9, 2 of five, and more. Balloon.vbx 3.0 [BLOONVB] (Weimar Software, reg. fee: $18) is a custom control that allows you to add a unique colored balloon help feature to your VB application. BMP Viewer Source Code [BMPVWS] (Mike Young, reg. fee: $0) contains VB source code for a simple BMP file viewing utility. Custom Cursors Demo [CUSTCRS] (reg. fee: $0) contains code and icons from Mike Stanley's article on Creating Custom Cursors in VB, from Visual Basic Programmer's Journal, Dec./Jan. 1993/94. FSP.DLL [FSP] (Chris Vardy, reg. fee: $0) contains a small DLL that returns the number of bytes free on the given drive. Grid [GRID] (G. Guardalben, reg. fee: $0) is a data-aware grid control. A demo application is included. Joy Stick Custom Control [JOYSTK] (Mabry Software, ASP; reg. fee: $15) gives joystick information (movement, buttons) for your VB programs. Menu Event Nofication Control [MENUEV] (Mabry Software, ASP; reg. fee: $10) is a custom control that provides menu selection notification. It will tell you when the user has selected a menu item, and is useful for status bar-style help. Metaprn [METAPRN] (P. B. Dyson, reg. fee: $5 pounds Sterling) lets you use Metafiles in VB without VBX's. You can load both types without needing to use a picture box. Source code and an executable are included. Mslot [MSLOT] (Zane Thomas, reg. fee: $25) is a VB custom control that provides simple interprocess communication between programs running on the same or different computers running Windows for Workgroups. No API calls are required. Visual Basic Conventions and Guidelines [NAM_VB] (Jim Collier, reg. fee: $?) contains a complete VB naming convention and resource text. It Includes methods for creating readable, reusable code and covers data access. NetBIOS Custom Control [NETBIO] (Intelec Systems Corporation, reg. fee: $99) lets you easily create client/server applications for Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups. Requires VB 2.0 or higher. This is a runtime demo version. Node Database Grid Browser [NODEFND] ([75210,3332], reg. fee: $0) contains full source code that implements a table browser using a grid control. There are no limitations on record numbers, no VBX's or DLL's, and no fees or copyrights. Requires VB 3.0. NUMWIN.VBX 3.0 [NUMWIN] (Weimar Software,, reg. fee: $18) is a VB custom control that makes it easy for you to provide your users with additional programming features like DDE, OLE, and other custom features which require hWnds of other application's windows. It can also be used to obtain the hWnd of all VB hWnds of the running application to enable you to send messages to or manipulate the other windows in the application in ways VB does not directly allow. Rotext [ROTEXT] (James Shields, ASP; reg. fee: $15) is a custom control that lets you put a label on your form at any angle of rotation. SHADBX.VBX 3.0 [SHAD20] (Weimar Software,, reg. fee: $18) is a VB custom control that provides a popup text display feature similar to that provided by Windows help. It allows you to provide advisory or "hotspot" context sensitive text for your VB application. A mouse click or any keypress removes the window and continues the program. SNDDEX.VBX 3.0 [SNDDEX] (Weimar Software, reg. fee: $18) is a VB custom control for doing "sounds like" word matching. A standard soundex matching and an enhanced soundex matching version are both included. Communications Control 2.0 [VBCOMM] (Mark Gamber, reg. fee: $0) a custom control that lets you access a modem through a VB application. It can be configured in many ways. A sample application is included to help you get started. Visual Basic Office 1.03 [VBO103] (Marquette Computer Consultants, reg. fee: $40) is an add-on package for VB 2/3. Features include a Code Librarian for managing reusable code, a ClipBoard File Manager that saves Clipboard text for search/retrieval, ButtonBar access to EXE, HLP document, VBX and MAK files, and much more. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300. Windows ID Spy [VBWINSP] (David Stewart, reg. fee: $0) will identify the Class Name, hWnd (Handle), Parent and Caption of any window or control the mouse passes over, as well as the x and y coordinates of the window's or control's rectangle. These pieces of data can then be passed as parameters to Windows API functions or used in other ways. ---Updates: Visual Basic Programming (WI-8a) BmpLst [BMPLST] (James Shields, ASP; reg. fee: $20) is a VB custom control that provides a list box that displays a bitmap and a line of text for each item in the list. (WI-8a) Charlie 2.0 [CHARLIE] (Monte Carlo Software, reg. fee: $10) allows you to manage the data-dictionary of an access database, as it's used by the engine delivered with VB3. NEW: online help, friendlier interface with animated buttons, and more. (WI-8a) Clacker 3.0 [CLACKER] (Weimar Software,, reg. fee: $18) is a VB custom control that allows you to add a dynamic menu help status bar to your applications. (WI-8a) Inicon 2.2 [INICON] (James Shields, ASP; reg. fee: $5.00) Visual Basic custom control that makes INI file access simple. No Windows API calls required. (WI-8a) MF 1.02 [MF_DB] (Carl Brown, reg. fee: $2-186) is a multi-user, high performance database for creating professional Windows 3.x applications. NEW: a sample VB2 application is included, and several new functions were added. (WI-8a) Mhelp [MHELP] (MicroHelp, Inc., reg. fee: $0) is a DLL with VB versions of PEEK, POKE, INP, OUT, VARPTR, VARSEG, VARSEGPTR, SADD, SSEG and SSEGADD. (WI-8a) Setup 1.00.004 [SETUPK] (reg. fee: $0) is an updated version of SETUP.EXE for VB. (WI-8a) Setupwiz 1.00.532 [SETUPW] (reg. fee: $0) contains an updated version of SETUPWIZ.EXE for VB3. (WI-8a) STR2BMP 1.1 [STRBMP] (Jorge Monasterio, reg. fee: $0) contains a DLL for converting VB bitmaps into VB strings and vice versa. NEW: updated for VB3. (WI-8a) VB Source to Document [VB2DOC] (Eddie Juden, reg. fee: $25) creates a Word For Windows document from any MAK file. (WI-8a) VBCtl3D [VB3D] (Jeff Simms, reg. fee: $29) allows you to easily add 3-D effects to controls, message boxes, dialogs, etc. (WI-8a) vxBase 3.07 [VXBASE_1, VXBASE_2] (Terry Orletsky, reg. fee: $65.00) create database apps for Windows. NEW: 20 new functions; bitmaps; and subindexes. -----Small Windows Utilities AccuBoard 1.1 [ACUBO] (Chris Gerdji, reg. fee: $7) captures all text entries passing through the Clipboard and saves them to its own memory. The accumulated text can be restored back into the Clipboard at any time for further processing. There is a 3K memory limit in this evaluation version. Bitmaps .SCR 1.0a [BMPSAV] (Dave Charbonnet, reg. fee: $25) is a WIN31 screen saver module that uses 256-color bitmapped images. Requires SVGA and VBRUN300. Beavis & Butthead Screen Saver [BUTTHD] (reg. fee: $0) is a Windows 3.1 screen saver module featuring those lovable lame-brains from MTV. Pascal source code is included. Custom Cursor 1.03 [CCURSOR] (John Di Troia, reg. fee: $15) allows you to instantly change your mouse cursor into a variety of different left and right-handed arrows, rockets, pointing fingers, swords, and more. Dancing Lines Screen Saver [DANCE] (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee: $0) is a screen saver module for Windows NT. Descrip [DESCRIP] (Daniel McCann, reg. fee: $0) is a utility to view the module descriptions of files that contain a Windows 3.1 executable file header. Examine 1.0a [EXAMINE] (Aquila Software, reg. fee: $18) is a fast text search utility for WIN31. It can search both text and binary files using ordinary strings or grep-like regular expressions. Flip [FLIP] (R.E. Frazier, reg. fee: $0) is a Windows 3.1 screen saver that flips your video like a television in desperate need of a vertical hold adjustment. HyperCycloids [HYPERS] (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee: $0) is a screen saver module for Windows NT. IniDif [INIDIF] (Computer Tyme, reg. fee: $35/user) is a DOS command line utility that compares two INI files and produces a third file that contains the differences between the two files. This allows you to install a new Windows program and compare the changed INI file to the original one. IniTyme [INITME] (Computer Tyme, reg. fee: $95/server) is a DOS program that can change INI files on the fly as you load Windows. It allows you to write a CHANGE.INI file and apply changes to any INI file you want. It can also be used to mass update INI files on a network. INI Update and Edit Utility 1.1a [INIUPDA] (Nick Payne, reg. fee: $35) helps maintain INI files on networked versions of Windows. Kaleidescope [KALEID] (R.E. Frazier, reg. fee: $0) is a colorful screen saver module for Windows 3.1. Life Screen Saver [LIFE] (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee: $0) is a screen saver module for Windows NT. NTRemote [NTREMOT] (Techsys Computing, reg. fee: $20) is an installable service for Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 that provides the remote start function. PrClip 1.0 [PRCLIP] (Jeff R. Broughton, reg. fee: $0) provides an easy way of doing screen prints. Once the data is on the clipboard, a double click on the program's icon will send your data to the printer. Requires VBRUN300. People Savers 1.1 [PSAVER] (Robert W. Smith, reg. fee: $18) contains three WIN31 Christian screen saver modules that fade in bible verses and display religious graphics. Requires VBRUN300. Qprint 1.0 [QPRINT] (Alpine Electronics, reg. fee: $10) is a print formatting utility for Windows. It allows you to quickly print ASCII files in a variety of user-defined formats. You can control margins, word wrap, line numbering, tab spacing, header information, and more. The formats are automatically chosen based on the file extension, allowing ".C" and ".H" files to print with one set of formatting rules, while ".TXT" files print with a different format. Several files may be selected to print at one time, and are spooled using Print Manager. Spheres [SPHERES] (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee: $0) is a screen saver module for Windows NT. It clears the screen and draws brightly-colored 3-dimensional spheres. SSCFG32 [SSCFG32] (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee: $5) allows Windows 3.1 users to configure and run many Windows NT screen savers. Requires WIN31 running in Enhanced Mode and Win32s. Several sample NT screen savers are provided. Star2 [STAR2] (R.E. Frazier, reg. fee: $0) is a WIN31 screen saver module that produces a 3-D starfield simulation. A 386 or better is recommended. Testv86 [TESTV86] (Michael Maurice, reg. fee: $?) contains demonstration programs of how to use EDOS internal entry points to display message boxes and run Windows applications. (Requires EDOS on disk #12570.) Twdyn 1.1 [TWDYN] (Finetel, reg. fee: $?) allows you to quickly capture portions of windows and put them in your clipboard. Formats supported are TEXT, Windows METAFILE (graphics) and Csv (for spreadsheet and database). ---Updates: Small Windows Utilities (WI-09) Crazy Balls [CBALLS] (Computer Mindware Corp., reg. fee: $?) is a screen blanking module for WIN31. NEW: sound support, magnetic balls, and more. (WI-09) Corporate Logo Screen Saver 1.7 [CORP_SS] (White Software, reg. fee: $8) lets you use any BMP graphic file as a Windows 3.1 screen saver. NEW: file share options for LANs. (WI-09) Macro Manager 2.0 [MACQ] (John Ruzicka, reg. fee: $25) lets you program any number of keystrokes into a two-key macro. NEW: improved speed and responsiveness, and now fits on a 640x480 screen. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-09) PrintSwitch 1.8 [PRSWIT] (Graphic Impact, reg. fee: $12) provides a fast and easy way to change your default printer. Now requires VBRUN300. (WI-09) RightOn 2.1 [RIGHTON] (Steven J. McCarthy, reg. fee: $15) allows you to program the right and middle mouse buttons to send virtually and keystroke to the window the mouse is in. Requires WIN31. (WI-09) RightOn 2.1 [RITEON21] (Steve McCarthy, reg. fee: $15.) allows you to program the right and middle mouse buttons to send virtually any keystroke to the window. (WI-09) Searcher for Windows 3.0b [SEARCHR] (Cognitronix,, reg. fee: $30) can locate files based on file name, path, text contents, or attributes. NEW: search and extract text in ZIP archives, fast entry recall from past sessions, and pop-up context sensitive help. (WI-09) SmilerShell 2.0 [SSHEL] (Barry Smiler, ASP; reg. fee: $12) is a powerful replacement for Program Manager's RUN dialog. (WI-09) Task Killer 1.1 [TKILL11] (Hyperion Microsystems, reg. fee: $15) can display and optionally terminate/decrement all of the modules (DLL's and EXE's) currently loaded in Windows. Requires WIN31. (WI-09) UnZip Front End for Windows 1.1 [UZPFRNT] (Shoreham Data, reg. fee: $10) is a simple Windows shell for PKUNZIP. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-09) WatchMan! 1.0b [WATCHMN] (DISTANT MARKETS, reg. fee: $39) is a powerful Windows file protection program. (WI-09) DF Lite 1.12 [WDF] (Mark Vitt, reg. fee: $20) copies the image of a floppy to a hard disk and lets you make multiple disk copies from it. (WI-09) WinDupe 1.13 [WINDUPE] (MaeDae Enterprises, reg. fee: $44) is a fast and powerful diskette duplicator for Windows. -----Large Windows Utilities Clocker 2.2 [CLOCKER] (Winnovation, reg. fee: $25) will execute pre-determined events at a specific time. It can also function as an alarm clock, with popup reminder messages. Other features include network support, command line operation, and more. Requires WIN31. Floppy Copy for Windows 1.0 [FC4WIN] (Barry Pearlman, reg. fee: $20) is a file duplication utility that stores data on hard disk for future duplication. Features include auto detection of media size, disk format while duplicating, verification, and more. Visual FX Screen Saver [FXSAVE] (Tim Hitchings, reg. fee: $0) contains a WIN31 screen saver module that can display AutoDesk FLC, FLI, and AAS files. It can also play AVI files or move a user-selected BMP, ICO, or WMF file around the screen in four different styles. Requires VBRUN300. Hot Corners 1.5 and Task List ++ 1.0 [HOTTASK] (Ken Walters, reg. fee: $10) is a set of two handy Windows 3.1 utilities. Hot Corners will allow you to assign actions to each of the four corners of your screen, including launching programs and invoking the screen saver. Task List ++ allows you to switch among running programs and also start any new program very quickly. JDSCopy 1.0 [JSDCOPY] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $15.00) allows you to copy a disk with the click of only one button. MicroBoot 6.1 [MBOOT61] (Fred Freel, reg. fee: $30) is a set of system configuration utilities for Windows 3.1. It allows up to 10 levels of system configuration for both DOS and Windows, and allows for up to 10 different Program Managers. Other features include context sensitive help, multi-reboot and system copy options, and much more. Seven freeware utilities are also provided, including a system resource monitor, desktop clock, calendar, and a drag-and-drop WAV sound file player. VGA is required. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. MegaWord [MEGAWORD] (Romke Soldaat, reg. fee: $54.) is a collection of tools for Word for Windows. It contains, editing, formatting, viewing tools, date and time tools, plus 200+ subroutines for WinWord programmers. Security for Windows [SECLAU] (John Jeffries, reg. fee: $0) contains two programs that add a measure of security to Windows. The first utility alters Program Manager to remove the FILE command and SAVE options so no programs can be run that are not on the ProgMan menu. The second utility is a program launcher that requires passwords. Sample setup files are provided. VB source code and VBRUN200 are included. Show Groups 1.2 [SHOWGRP] (TecLogic, Inc., reg. fee: $30) produces visual, hard-copy and/or archive access to the information contained in your WIN31 GRP files. Information can be printed or saved to a disk file. Includes VBRUN300. (720K) T2: The Screen Saver Sampler Pak [T2SAMPL] (Sound Source Unlimited, reg. fee: $25) contains a WIN31 screen saver module, a BMP file, and three audio clips based on the movie "Terminator 2: Judgement Day". The screen saver is an incredible animated scene of a factory where the killer cyborgs are manufactured. It features password protection and digitized sounds. This is a MUST for all science-fiction fans! VLSI Response 3.1 [XTN] (Bob Brinkoetter, reg. fee: $25) causes the computer system to automatically perform certain functions when a security sensor is tripped. This might include sending commands to turn switches on, autodialing you at work to send a voice message, etc. It is designed to work in conjunction with popular remote automation or security systems like the X-10, AT&T, G.E., Schlage, Sears, Stanley and many other systems. Requires 2 meg memory, 1.5 meg of disk space, Windows 3.1 or greater, DOS 5.0 or greater, Hayes compatible modem, a mouse and VGA 640x480 or better. ---Updates: Large Windows Utilities (WI-9a) 3x3 Labeler 1.2 [3X3] (TANSTAAFL Software, reg. fee: $20) reads 3.5" disks and prints a directory listing on a label. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-9a) CodePrint 2.20 [CD_PRNT] (Micro Software Solutions, reg. fee: $20) is a powerful file printing utility for Windows 3.1. NEW: most recently used file list, support for printers that internally support duplex printing, drag and drop support, bug fixes, and more. (WI-9a) ClipMate for Windows 2.09b [CLIPMT] (Thornton Software Solutions, ASP; reg. fee: $25) is a powerful clipboard enhancement tool. NEW: support for most clipboard formats (Bitmap, Picture, RTF, OLE, and more), thumbnail view, easier pasting, and more. (WI-9a) Drag & Zip 3.0 [DRAGZIP] (Dan Baumbach, ASP; reg. fee: $25) is a drag and drop font end for PKZIP and LHA. NEW: enhanced documentation, an uninstall routine, and more. (WI-9a) EDOS for Windows 3.65-H [EDOS365] (FireFly Software Inc., reg. fee: $70) a powerful device driver that adds many amazing features to your DOS sessions in Windows 386 Enhanced Mode. (WI-9a) Encrypt-It for Windows 2.01 [EIW] (MaeDae Enterprises, reg. fee: $59) is a powerful encryption/decription package. NEW: command/icon bar for quick execution of common commands, date/time display, and more. (WI-9a) Find-It for Windows 3.59 [FINDITW] (RME Enterprises, reg. fee: $25) is a fast and powerful search utility. (WI-9a) Sabdu 2.40 [SDU240] (Stewart A. Berman, ASP; reg. fee: $20) provides an interface for copying, comparing, and formatting diskettes. NEW: improved user interface, easier installation, and more. (WI-9a) Super Stuff 3Q93 [SUPERST] (Super Tools, ASP; reg. fee: $20) (formerly Super Group) is a useful set of utilities for Windows 3.1. It includes a Task Manager replacement and a Program Manager application that lets you configure program groups as individual windows anywhere on the desktop. NEW: a drag-and-drop wallpaper changer. (WI-9a) Win Change 1.4 [WCHG14] (JRE Enterprises, reg. fee: $15) provides the ability to globally change text in GRP, INI, PIF, and other file types. Requires VBRUN300. (WI-9a) WinImage 1.11 [WINIMA11] (Gilles Vollant, reg. fee: $20) is a powerful disk copying tool. NEW: greater manipulation of images. (WI-9a) WinOCR 2.0c [WINOCR20] (Softech, ASP; reg. fee: $30) is an Optical Character Recognition program that works with bitmaps produced using low cost hand-held scanners and is intended to provide a cheap and effective method of data entry for computer programmers. Requires Windows 3.1 and 2MB RAM. Now on two disks. (WI-9a) WinPrint 1.51 [WINPRNT] (Kindel, Charles E. Jr., reg. fee: $25) lets you print plain ASCII text files from within Windows. NEW: now supports multiple pages up, uses Print Manager for background printing, a complete command line interface, and more. (WI-9a) WinSecure 1.0 [WINSEC10] (H. Rudy Nesmith, reg. fee: $13) is a screen saver with password protection and messaging abilities. Includes VBRUN200. =====Games Contents: =====Games =====Education =====Home, Financial =====Home, Other =====Games Contents: -----Graphic Adventure Games -----Text-Based Adventure Games -----Small Arcade Games -----Large Arcade Games -----Board/Strategy Games -----Logic/Puzzle Games -----Game Management -----Kid's Stuff -----Word & Quiz Games -----Other Games -----Graphic Adventure Games The Enigma [ENIGMA] (Judith E. Bagai, reg. fee: $0) is the monthly publication of The National Puzzlers' League, founded in 1883. Each edition of The Enigma is filled with word puzzles designed to challenge and entertain all levels of puzzle enthusiasts. ---Updates: Graphic Adventure Games (GA-01) Rooms of the Abyss [ABYSS] (Martin Binder, reg. fee: $2) is a 3-D role-playing adventure game. -----Text-Based Adventure Games Sir Guy Gallant [GALLANT] (Eddie R. Wright, reg. fee: $10) ("... & The Deadly Warning") is a mystery adventure game. It is set in mid-17th century England on the property of Gallant Hall. You, as Sir Guy Gallant, a cavalier knight of that era, must discover clues as to who killed your father, the late Sir James. ---Updates: Text-Based Adventure Games (GA-02) LoveFire 1.2 [LOVEFIRE] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) is a branching story program. -----Small Arcade Games ATC-Game 1.0 [ATCGAME] (Eddy Van de Winckel, reg. fee: $40) is an Air Traffic Control simulation. You are in charge of the terminal area of a medium sized international airport. It is your job to vector the departing traffic to the appropriate airway and the arriving traffic to the appropriate runway, maintaining sufficient separation between aircrafts. -----Large Arcade Games Halloween Harry 1.1 [HARRY] (Apogee Software Productions, reg. fee: $35) Aliens have landed in New York City and are intent on turning humans into mindless zombies in their conquest of the universe. Harry is our only hope in defeating their ghoulish advances. Help Harry blow away the aliens with an arsenal of weapons, including flame throwers, missiles and grenades. Rescue the captives at each level before finding the way out and on to the next adventure. Halloween Harry comes complete with a colorful tutorial, fantastic, scrolling, perspective-based graphics and three skill levels. Requires a 386 or better and 256-color VGA. It supports Joysticks, gamepads and Sound Blaster compatible sound cards. PLIX 1.0 [PLIX10] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $) is a puzzle stratagy game similar to Alpha Man (by the same author). The objective is to push and position patterned tiles onto their matching negative image at the bottom of the game board. It sounds easy, yet the tiles will continue to slide in the direction you push them until they hit another tile or the side of the game board. Requires EGA/VGA monitor. Raku Master 1.0 [RAKU] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $) is a logic game for serious puzzle lovers. The object of the game is to flip all the red tiles back to gray in as few moves as possible. The Raku Master will tell you the exact number of moves in which he can solve the puzzle. If you don't believe him, he will show you. Requires EGA/VGA. ---Updates: Large Arcade Games (GA-3a) Crusher Castle II 1.1 [CRUSHER2] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) is the sequel to Crusher, the adventure strategy game. (GA-3A) Graviton 2.03 [GVT203] (Daniel A. Sill, reg. fee: $10) is an excellent simulated vector graphics space game. (GA-3a) OilCap 6.1 [OILCAP61] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) is similar to the game Pipe Dream. Contain the flow of oil before it reaches a dead end. (GA-3A) Wall Pipe 1.1 [WALLPIPE] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) is a sequel to Oilcap. ---Updates: Card and Casino Games (GA-04) $mart Gambler 1.5 [GAMBLER] (Roy Schoenbeck, ASP; reg. fee: $43-46) is a casino gambling tutor. -----Board/Strategy Games DOTSO 1.0 [DOTSO10] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) is a puzzle game based on the classic connect-the-dots theme. Play against the computer to capture as many squares as you can by drawing lines to create four sided boxes. Requires EGA/VGA monitor. Marble Guess 1.1 [MARBL11] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $15) is a rendition of the classic game of Master Mind. You try to guess the hidden marbles in the least amount of chances. Requires VGA/MCGA and a mouse. Requires VGA and a mouse. Everything You'd Ever Wanna Know About Scrabble 1.0 [SCRABFAQ] (Steven Alexander, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of facts about the game of Scrabble. It includes information about tourney rules for U.S. and Canada, tips on playing a better game and lists of Scrabble-related books, periodicals, and software. Three-O 1.0 [THREE_O] (DeQueen Software, reg. fee: $18) is a board game similar to tic-tac-toe with numbers. The object is to get three of your numbered tiles in a row, at which point you score the sum of their numbers. Requires two people to play each other. -----Logic/Puzzle Games Crypto-Mania 2.21 [CRYPMAN] (Don L. Dow, reg. fee: $15) is a game of cryptograms, which are sentences or phrases written in code, one letter substituted for another. You must decipher the code and reveal the phrase. There are 250 puzzles included. Requires 640K RAM. Cryptik: Encoded Jigsaw Puzzle 1.4 [CRYPT] (Cascoly VGA Puzzle Sets, reg. fee: $15) is a set of Jigsaw puzzles for the PC. The puzzle you choose is encoded to show its major colors, then the pieces are jumbled. All puzzles feature original photography. Requires VGA and mouse. Reactor 1.0 [REAC1] (Scott Andrews, reg. fee: $0) is a maze game similar to the author's AMAZE. Find your way through this maze inside of a nuclear reactor using your mouse to move forward, left and right. Don't take too long or you may die from overexposure. Super Croc [SUPRCROC] (Dave Culbertson, reg. fee: $2) is a challenging puzzle game. The objective is to remove as many crocodiles as you can by jumping one over another. It features animated exploding crocodiles. Requires EGA/VGA. ---Updates: Logic/Puzzle Games (GA-06) Alpha Man 1.1 [ALPHAMAN] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) is an addictive problem solving puzzle. (GA-06) Bolo Adventures III 1.1 [BOLO3] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) save Mr. Bolo from the traps. (GA-06) Mice Men 1.1 [MICEMEN] (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) challenges you to guide your 12 mice across the playing area before the computer's mice make it across the opposite direction. (GA-06) Squares 1.2 [SQUARE] (Geoff Friesen, reg. fee: $25) is an 11k pop-up game whose object is to turn all the squares black. -----Game Management Bowling Assistant 5.31 [BA531] (Richard G. Marchessault, reg. fee: $0) is a versatile, easy to operate bowling league record keeping program that can eliminate the hours spent each week manually updating your league records. As soon as the scores are entered the program takes care of all the record keeping details. -----Kid's Stuff Bert's Prehistoric Animals 3.2 [BPA] (Theron Wierenga, reg. fee: $20) is a coloring program for children. The child places prehistoric animals on a variety of backgrounds and colors the picture. A voice feature allows the animals to speak their names. A window is provided for children to write a short story about their picture. The image and story can be printed out. Requires 512K, VGA and a mouse. Bert's Whales and Dolphins 3.2 [BWD] (Theron Wierenga, reg. fee: $22) is a coloring program featuring sea mammals. Its features are similar to Bert's Prehistoric Animals. Bert's Christmas 3.2 [BXMAS] (Theron Wierenga, reg. fee: $20) is a coloring program featuring Christmas images. Its features are the same as Bert's Prehistoric Animals. ---Updates: Kid's Stuff (GA-10) Bert's African Animals 3.2 [BAFRICAN] (Theron Wierenga, reg. fee: $22) a coloring program for children. NEW: Sound Blaster support plus voice is available through the PC speaker. (GA-10) Bert's Dinosaurs 3.2 [BDINO] (Theron Wierenga, reg. fee: $22) is a coloring program for children. NEW: Sound Blaster support plus voice is available through the PC speaker. -----Word & Quiz Games Wordy 2.0 [WORDY2] (M. Cooper, reg. fee: $2-8) is a word construction game that challenges you to enter as many words as possible out of a set of letters. Wordy checks your choices against a 94,000 word dictionary and keeps track of your score. The Daily Crossword 1.0 [XWORD] (Aus-PC-Soft Shareware, reg. fee: $30-40) allows you to construct and solve crossword puzzles. Features include automated crossword construction, on screen solving of crosswords, printout of the lattice, clues and solution, and facilities for maintaining a pool of lattice designs and dictionaries. You can create new dictionaries, add words and clues to existing dictionaries, display statistics of a dictionary, and there is also a special word feature for personal greetings or advertising slogans. Requires VGA, 512K Ram, and 1MB of disk space. ---Updates: Word & Quiz Games (GA-12) Hangman 4.0 [HANG4] (Larry W Parker, reg. fee: $15) is a game of hangman for VGA. (GA-12) Ultra-Quiz [ULTRATC] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $4-6) appears to be a combination of an IQ test and a trivia game. (GA-12) Word Search Creator 3.1 [WSC31] (Owen Associates, reg. fee: $29) creates and prints word search puzzles -----Other Games Shake It 1.03 [SHAKEIT] (Eitan Bar, reg. fee: $0) is a 3K practical joke TSR that causes the screen to shake. Universal Hint System 1.51.91a [UHS] (Jason Strautman, reg. fee: $10-25) gives you hint-book style clues for many popular computer games. It only shows the hints and maps that you want, so your game is not needlessly spoiled. Requires EGA/VGA. ---Updates: Other Games (GA-13) BassDuel 2.0 [BDUEL] (Olsen Outdoors, reg. fee: $13) is a two-player fishing tournament game. =====Education Contents: -----History -----Languages -----Math -----Science -----History The Lost Churchill Library 1.0 [LCL] (William Chase, reg. fee: $0) is a book on disk of Winston Churchill's Revolutionary War novel "Serapis: Caught By The Tide." It features 150 color PCX files, and it shows you how to save America's history classics in electronic formats. Requires 512K, a hard disk with 1.8 Mb free disk space, and EGA/VGA. U.S. Constitution 2.01 [USCON2] (Matthew Justice, reg. fee: $5) contains information on the U. S. Constitution and history. It features the U. S. Constitution, Magna carta, Presidents of the U. S., the U. S. flag, landmark court cases, Declaration of Independence, and much more. Viet Nam (Hue) Culture [VIETNAM] (AsianSoft, reg. fee: $15) is a program containing historical maps and information about ancient Viet Namese culture. Requires VGA and 512K RAM. -----Languages German Vocabulary Drill 1.0 [GERMAN] (Barry A. Traver, reg. fee: $20) is a German vocabulary driller.The program also has background music and sound effects. ---Updates: Languages (ED-04) LinguaPro/Spanish 2.30a [LPROSP23] (Schulenberg and Associates, ASP; reg. fee: $45) is a multi-faceted program for serious Spanish students. -----Math The Size of the Mole 1.0 [MOLESIZE] (reg. fee: $0) is an amusing text file that tries to convey in everyday terms the enormous size of a quantitative unit known as a "Mole". Math Flashcards 1.1s [MTHFLASH] (William R. Grothe, reg. fee: $5) is a math game that increases math skills. Each game contains 10 problems. It covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Different skill levels are included. Math Sampler 1.01 [MTHSMPLR] (John M. Gallant, ASP; reg. fee: $13-23) is a package of animated math lessons and arcade action. It includes six games covering counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Multidigit addition and subtraction include regrouping (borrow and carry). Requires a mouse, EGA/VGA, and 512K memory. SCIFIN 1.0 [SCIFIN] (Paul Murphey, ASP; reg. fee: $35) is a self-study manual illustrating general methods for interactive problem solving in many disciplines such as Engineering, Science and Finance. ---Updates: Math (ED-06) Beat the Bomb 1.2 [BTB] (John M. Gallant, ASP; reg. fee: $0) is a math quiz program which uses animated graphics to make learning more interesting. (ED-06) Skill-Oriented Algebra III [SOAV3] (Alfred D'Attore, reg. fee: $0) generates printed algebra exercises and tests for elementary to junior high students. NEW: adds the program Mathematics, Basic Skills. (ED-06) Mathomatic 5.0 [SYMBOL] (George Gesslein II, reg. fee: $50) is a limited version of an algebraic equation solver. (ED-06) Googol Math Games 3.6 [UNGOO] (Paul T. Dawson, reg. fee: $10) is a combination arcade game and math tutor. (ED-06) Googol Review 3.6 [UNREV] (Paul T. Dawson, reg. fee: $10) is a number and word problem program. ---Updates: Reading/Spelling/Vocabulary (ED-07) Universal Vocabulary Drill 1.0 [DRILL1] (Mike Nichols, reg. fee: $15) can be used to drill on vocabulary words (for SAT, ACT, etc.) as well as on foreign languages. (ED-07) SpellB 1.2 [SPELLB] (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $13) is a spelling tutor. NEW: 400 words, twice as many speed variations, and an option to print missed words to screen or printer. (ED-07) Vocabulary Overdrive 1.1 [VOCOVRDR] (Zoran Sevarlic, reg. fee: $23) is an effective vocabulary-building program. (Formerly named English Recall.) -----Science PhyCal 3.1 [PHYCAL] (Paul D. Murphy, ASP; reg. fee: $35) is an interactive problem-solving Physics manual with a full function spreadsheet calculator. This self-study manual illustrates general techniques for problem solving that are useful in many disciplines besides Physics. ---Updates: Test Making (ED-11) Total Recall 3.04 [TRECALL] (Zoran Sevarlic, reg. fee: $33) lets you create computerized study programs. (ED-11) Tutorial Writer 3.1 [TW31] (Intelligent Educational Softwa, reg. fee: $54) is an educator's toolkit for Computer Aided Instruction and testing. ---Updates: Other Education (ED-12) CNA/Nurses Assistant 3.0 [CNAV3U] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $29) will test your knowledge as a certified nursing assistant. (ED-12) DC1 [DC1] (Dennis M. DeLaurier, reg. fee: $42) is an introduction to DC electronics. NEW: adds a new menu program. (ED-12) LVN Vocational Nurse Review 2.1 [LVNV3U] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $38) will test your abilities as a vocational nurse. (ED-12) StoryMaker 2.0 [STORYMK] (Elson Embry, reg. fee: $23) you create talking story books with animation, music and sound effects. NEW: more graphics in the sample picture library, scrolling in the zoom editor, a foreground mode for outputting speech through the PC speaker, and VOC files can be played in the foreground mode. =====Home, Financial Contents: -----Home Accounting & Budgeting -----Loan Amort., Inc. Tax, & Other -----Home Accounting & Budgeting MakeMoney 1.01 [MOMONY01] (Lighthouse Productions, reg. fee: $17) tells how to save money and invest it in paying off mortgages. A Primer is included on becoming totally financially free. Requires 640K RAM, VGA, and 800K of hard disk space. Perfect Cent$ 5.0s [PERFCNTS] (Wm. R. Colby-Newton, reg. fee: $15) is a home office management system. It features a checkbook manager, pop-up calculator, appointment reminder, and inventory database management system. It also has loan amortization and net worth calculation programs. (On CD or MegaDisk Set.) -----Loan Amort., Inc. Tax, & Other Financial Analyzer Planner 3.1 [FAP] (John R. Reitz, reg. fee: $15) is a money management program for pre- and post-retirement planning. It allows you to investigate a wide range of inflation scenarios and investment strategies to help you plan for retirement or financial independence. Requires 512K RAM. Financial Calculator 3.1 [FINCAL] (Paul D. Murphy, ASP; reg. fee: $35) is an interactive problem-solving manual which explores key financial concepts such as interest, amortization, bonds, zero coupons, and more. It also includes a financial calculator. =====Home, Other Contents: -----Astrology & Fortune Telling -----Collecting -----Diet, Nutrition & Health -----Home Management -----Science, Weather & Maps -----Other Home & Miscellaneous -----Astrology & Fortune Telling ESP 1.0 [ESP] (SoftCircuits, reg. fee: $0) attempts to test and strengthen your psychic abilities. A series of shapes are hidden behind the screen. Imagine the shape and enter your choice from the prompt. The program keeps a running total of the number of guesses and also shows the current percentage of correct guesses. -----Collecting AudioNexus 1.0DOS [AUDIONX] (RCCO Research, reg. fee: $15) catalogs your audio cassettes, CD's, LP's, DCC's, MiniDiscs, and other formats. Features include a report writer, the ability to print album labels, nine sort options, calculator, text-search, mouse support, EMS support and support for a wide selection of printers. Requires 1.4MB of disk space and 512K RAM. ScrollZ 2.00 [SCROLLZ] (Charles P. Schell IV, ASP; reg. fee: $25) tracks all of your printed matter such as magazines, books or newspapers. A note section is provided for recording comments. It prints listings, catalogs, Rolodex cards, custom lists, and stats on your collection. VideoNexus 1.0DOS [VIDEONX] (RCCO Research, reg. fee: $15) tracks your video cassette and laser disc collection. Requires 1.4mb of hard disk space and 512K RAM. ---Updates: Collecting (MS-03) EZCard 1.2 [EZCARD] (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $8) is a sports card collection database. NEW: a value field that can be totaled; record editing in the search mode. (MS-03) Sandd's Book Guide 1.3 [SBOOK13] (Bertrand LaMarche, ASP; reg. fee: $34) is a cataloging system for your library of books and magazines. NEW: automatic last tape number lookup for adding, a value field, value report, Title-Author-Edition report, searching on all fields in the database, and support for higher resolutions and full GIF viewing. (MS-03) US Philatelist Professional 1.07 [USPRO107] (Greg Morken, reg. fee: $60) aids in keeping detailed information about U.S. stamp collections. -----Diet, Nutrition & Health Codes Only 1.0 [CODV1U] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $48) is a Disease Etiology Index Coding Program. It handles all clinical modifications of diseases in an alphabetical index by etiology. MedTxt 1.0 [MEDTXT10] (Dudley Darr, reg. fee: $30) is an easy to use electronic medical textbook which discusses medical subjects in detail. Features include global search, bookmarks, and instant access of topics and subtopics. VGA required. ---Updates: Diet, Nutrition & Health (MS-04) First Aid 5.0 [1STAID] (Howard M . Schwartz, reg. fee: $25) is a first aid tutorial based on the current standards taught in courses offered by several national organizations. NEW: recommendations of medical authorities concerning emergency care for victims who are not breathing or whose heart has stopped, specific recommendations for the contents of a first aid kit to handle home and work emergencies, and legal and ethical matters to be considered when rendering emergency care. (MS-04) CPR\ByStander Review 2.1 [CPRV21] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $23) teaches about and tests your knowledge of CPR. -----Home Management The Frequent Flier Manager 4.0 [FFLYER] (Bill Phillips, reg. fee: $44) helps members of an airline travel award programs keep track of there frequent flyer miles. Requires 1.2MB of hard disk space, a color monitor and an Epson or HP Desk Jet compatible printer. Home Inventory 1.10 [INVZIP] (Silicon Systems, reg. fee: $24) allows you to track home or small business inventory. Items can have properties such as serial numbers, cost, replacement cost, etc. You can easily create insurance and value reports. JailBird 2.0 [JBIRD] (RMH Computer Services, ASP; reg. fee: $19) allows you to create replicas of vanity license plates with customized top and bottom license plate frame messages. You enter the state and JailBird adds the state's slogan. The finished product can be printed out. Requires VGA and a mouse. TVRO Assistant 1.0 [TVRO10] (Chris Davis, reg. fee: $10) assists in setting up and aiming a satellite dish. -----Science, Weather & Maps Predictor 1.3 [PREDICTO] (Don Ellis, reg. fee: $40) forecasts the weather based on data you enter. Predictor has, tables for determining wind chill factors, heat indexes and wind speed and a data base for daily weather information. Requires 3MB disk space. ---Updates: Science, Weather & Maps (MS-08) CircumSpace 1.0 [CIRCUM10] (Mark A Haney, reg. fee: $15) is a space travel simulator. (MS-08) SkyGlobe 3.6 [SKYGLO36] (Mark A. Haney, ASP; reg. fee: $20) lets you see on the screen what the sky would look like at night. -----Other Home & Miscellaneous Beautify 1.1 [BEAUTIFY] (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $0) converts any standard text file to psuedo-Bible language. ("Yours" becomes "thine", "never" becomes "ne'er", etc.) Date & Time 1.0 [DATETIME] (reg. fee: $0) displays the current date and time at the top of the screen and continuously updates it. Written in C with source code included. ---Updates: Other Home & Miscellaneous (MS-10) Freebies 4.0 [FREEBIE4] (Louis Puccio, reg. fee: $0) is a sample database of companies with toll free numbers where you can obtain free magazines, game demos, videos and more. =====Business, Financial Contents: =====Business, Financial =====Business, Management =====Business, Communications =====Business, Database, Mailing List Managers, Spreadsheet =====Business, Financial Contents: -----General Ledger Programs -----Receivables & Billing -----Other Financial Programs -----General Ledger Programs Bare Bones Accounting 1.00 [BAREBONE] (J. W. Funsten, 140, reg. fee: $55) is a double-entry bookkeeping system. It can handle up to to 100 different projects in the same database. Combined project reporting is supported. Up to eight bank accounts may be shared by all projects. This program is ideal for fund accounting, where there are several funds being operated jointly, and separate statements and balance sheets are required for each fund. It is useful for contractors operating several projects jointly, but requiring cost breakdown. It also is useful for charities, condominium associations and other non-profit organizations or for real estate accounting where a balance sheet is required. ---Updates: Inventory Related Programs (AB-02) Inventory Interface 6.2 [II62] (Data Interface, reg. fee: $135) is an inventory management system. -----Receivables & Billing Collect 1.04 [COLLECT] (Paul E. Tucker, reg. fee: $150) is an accounts receivable collections sub-system for MED#1(PsL disk set #27131) and DENTAL#1 (set #27418), which are medical office management systems.. EZ-Biller 3.2 [EZB32] (Blue Chips Inc., reg. fee: $75) is an invoicing and inventory program for any size business. It provides five different types of invoices for products or services. It will also track inventory, sales, taxes, customers, accounts receivable, packing lists and back orders. The Invoicer with Accounts Receivable 1.0 [INVOICER] (Michael Kelley, reg. fee: $89) is an invoicing and statement generating system. It features an accounts receivable section that allows you to post entries to accounts, print statements, print past due notices, view the accounts, get aging reports, and more. Invoices and statements can be printed on either blank paper or preprinted forms. ---Updates: Receivables & Billing (AB-03) GIST Plus 1.06 [GPP106_1, GPP106_2] (Robert F. Keber Jr., reg.fee: $99) is a general invoice sales tracker for firms needing descriptive invoices which include more than just numbers. -----Other Financial Programs XPNS - Expense Reporting System 2.0 [XPNS2] (William J Dowling, reg. fee: $12) keeps track of expenses on a business trip. Expenses can be assigned to any of ten categories, including lodging, transportation, entertainment and meals. =====Business, Management Contents: -----Appointment, Calendar Programs -----Time Tracking, Billing -----Project Management & Scheduling -----Keep Track of People -----Other General Business -----Vertical Applications -----Appointment, Calendar Programs DateMinder 1.0 [DATEMIND] (Ray Fortner, reg. fee: $7) reminds you of upcoming events as you boot up your computer. Personal Appointment Calendar 3.1 [PAC31] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $5) creates a calendar for remembering appointments and special days. Notes of 11 lines by 19 characters can be attached to each day. PASS 1.0DOS [PASS] (RCCO Research, reg. fee: $10) is an appointment scheduling program. Requires 512K RAM and 575K of disk space. Schedule and Appointment Maker [SAM] (ArkanSoftware Publishers, ASP; reg. fee: $79) is an organizing, scheduling, analyzing, and marketing assistant for professional offices, clinics, and service agencies. What you see on the screen will be similar to what you would write in the appointment book or in a client file. Requires a hard disk and 512K RAM. ---Updates: Appointment, Calendar Programs (BZ-01) JCal 7.6 [JCAL] (Lester Penner, reg. fee: $18) calculates dates in the Jewish calendar. (BZ-01) Personal Calendar 14.62 [PCAL1462] (Paul Munoz-Colman, ASP; reg. fee: $35) displays a three-month scrollable calendar, a running analog and digital clock, and appointment and note lists. NEW: supports DOS 6.0 and OS/2. (BZ-01) Ticklex 6.4 [TICKLEX] (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee: $60) is a tickler program for appointments, deadlines, reminders and timetables. NEW: built-in text editor, local time for 200 cities around the world and the ability to produce regular and reduced size reports. (BZ-01) Tikler 5.3 [TIKLER53] (Olsen Outdoors, reg. fee: $15) is an appointment reminder that automatically looks ahead a specified number of days and displays any appointments within that range. -----Time Tracking, Billing Punch 1.0 [PUNCH1] (Nathan Alan King, reg. fee: $10) keeps track of the time you spend on projects. It creates and maintains a data file in ASCII, so it can be easily edited. -----Project Management & Scheduling Power Take Off 1.1 [PTO11_A, PTO11_B] (Kevin Moris, reg. fee: $100) is a project estimating tool and data base for performing virtually all aspects of major project planning. It keeps track of overall costs, converts a variety of measurements, allows the user to log every detail of the project from the initial concept to completion and more. Requires 8MB of hard drive space, 1 meg of free RAM, VGA or MDA monitor. (Available on CD-ROM or two 3.5" 1.44MB MegaDisks only.) ReporTrac 1.0 [RT] (Integrated Data Services, reg. fee: $60) is a report tracker. New clients or reports can be added to the system from multiple locations within the program, the status of each current report is instantly updated and more. ---Updates: Project Management & Scheduling (BZ-03) Easy Project 4.07 [EP407] (Parcell Software, reg. fee: $69) is an easy to use and inexpensive project management system. (BZ-03) PC Mechanic 2.2 [PCMECH22] (Michael R. Busman, reg. fee: $50) will allow you to computerize a work-order and preventive maintenance system. NEW: networkable version, increased area for input of task descriptions for preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance work orders, unlimited number of remarks, parts, and employees may be posted when closing work orders and preventive maintenance jobs, plus warning messages during jobs closing when inventory reorder levels are reached. -----Keep Track of People Contact-Lens 2.1 [CL] (Kruse Control Software, reg. fee: $25-75) is a contact management system. It features seven data screens, three memo fields, unlimited user defined categories, a search list that accesses as you type, 22 search fields, pop-up calendar, hot keys, schedule reminder, printed reports, mailing labels, and more. SignOut Board 4.1 [SOB] (Ed Albert, reg. fee: $25) helps small to medium businesses track their staff's daily schedule. It is network sensitive, allowing multiple access to the data files, and displaying changes to other users as the changes occur. Telephone Database 1.0 [TDB] (SoftCircuits Programming, reg. fee: $0) organizes telephone and address information. QuickBASIC source code is included. ---Updates: Keep Track of People (BZ-04) MT-Tracker 6.4 [MTRACKR] (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee: $75) is for sales representatives; it integrates the scheduling power of Ticklex with the ability to track thousands of clients, companies, contacts, projects, or jobs. NEW: file locking for use on networks. (BZ-04) RollCall 3.4 [ROLV35] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $70) is an employee tracking system designed for a Convalescent Hospital. (BZ-04) Teledex 3.3 [TDEX33] (Data-Labs, reg. fee: $0) is a handy card-file using ISAM technology. -----Other General Business Profit Focus 3.0 [P_FOCUS3] (Tom Welch Financial, ASP; reg. fee: $20) offers you the opportunity to develop your business and extend the safety net of managerial know how. It helps you build a more competitive business and keep the scale tilting in your favor. Profit Focus also provides on-line diagnostic expertise to support managers, through on-line access to over 100 quick action checklists and guides. ---Updates: Other General Business (BZ-06) B/Plan Developer 3.0 [BPLAN3] (Tom Welch Financial, reg. fee: $40) helps you develop a business plan tailored to your specific business concept and financing needs. (BZ-06) MoneyWords 3.3 [MONYWD33] (Tom Welch Financial, reg. fee: $20) is a comprehensive and practical guide to the language of business. (BZ-06) FYI2 / Business Office Manager 2.3 [YI2V23] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $60) is a full-featured office management program. ---Updates: Real Estate Programs (BZ-07) Quality Management System 3.3 [QMV33U] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $175) is an accounting system for property management services. -----Vertical Applications Lawyer's DeskTop 1.0 [DESKTOP] (Carlos A. Leyva, reg. fee: $?) is a legal management system. It includes a calendar module, time and billing module, contact module, case/matter module, docket module and utilities module. The calendar module tracks dates and to-do's by cases, clients, staff, and contacts. The time and billing module provides a complete billing and receivables package with all the reports needed to maintain accurate records. The case/matter module tracks open and close dates, responsible attorney, balances, dockets, to do's, appointments, parties, notes, and files. The contact module tracks names, addresses, and related information. Gift Certificate Manager 1.1 [GCM11] (Larry Roggow, reg. fee: $35) is a gift certificate database and printing system for businesses who sell and redeem gift certificates. Customized gift certificates can be printed immediately as they are sold. Care Plans Only 1.0 [PCPU] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $69) is a care planning system. The principles of HCFA resident assessment instrument minimum data set is cross referenced for each diagnosis. ---Updates: Vertical Applications (BZ-08) Adios Invoicing 6.04 [ADIOS604] (Third Wave Systems, reg. fee: $5) is an invoice writing program for Amway distributors and others. NEW: easier modification of stock number information and support for product handling charges. (BZ-08) MDS OBRA Assessment Tool 3.0 [MV30U_1, MV30U_2, MV30U_3, MV30U_4] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $275) is a resident assessment/care planning package. (BZ-08) MED#1 1.07 [MED1] (Paul E. Tucker, reg. fee: $395) is a medical office management system. NEW: ability to interface to ECS01 & ECS02 'Electronic Claims Submission' sub-systems. (BZ-08) MDS OBRA Assessment Tool 3.0 [MV30U_1, MV30U_2, MV30U_3, MV30U_4] (Fredrick Small, ASP; reg. fee: $275) is a resident assessment/care planning package. (BZ-08) Public Access 2.2 [PACCS22A, PACCS22B] (Jim Turner, ASP; reg. fee: $89) is a time/use/billing program for libraries/businesses which rent computer time. (BZ-08) Research 6.4 [RESEARCH] (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee: $90) is a simple database that allows you to enter notes on evidence, research you're conducting, etc. NEW: file locking for use on a network. =====Business, Communications Contents: -----Bulletin Board Systems -----Communications Programs & Utilities -----CompuServe-Specific Programs -----Connectivity (LAN) Software -----Bulletin Board Systems BF 1.02 [BF102] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $25) is an off-line viewer of bit-mapped style graphics that are displayed by the B.I.G. terminal. Sound card required for music. Blue Instant Graphics! 1.03 [BIG103] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $25) is a BBS terminal that allows greater control over graphics and sound. You can have BIG color text and graphics anywhere on the screen, allow better game programs to be written for BBS doors and provide other services where images better than those provided by ANSI.SYS are needed. Requires an RS232 driver such as BNU.SYS or X00.SYS. BNU Rev 5 1.7 [BNU170] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $0) is a FOSSIL compatible communications driver that handles hardware specific aspects of communications. BNU makes it possible for a lot of software to run on a wide variety of hardware platforms capable of running MS-DOS but with distinct and incompatible hardware. Big Paint 0.5 [BPAINT05] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $0) allows BBS sysops and users to paint pictures for on-line graphics that can be displayed with the Blue Instant Graphics terminal v1.02. It is useful for creating colorful logon and welcome bulletins. Catfiles 3.22 [CATFILES] (William Stirling, reg. fee: $20) will read in the file listings provided by various Bulletin Boards and CompuServe and will produce a database of the files. You can mark files which you have already downloaded or files which you want to download at some time. Requires a hard drive. DataMail 1.1 [DATAMAIL] (Richard K. Naff, reg. fee: $20) is a utility that will let you use your Sysop's BBS disk storage to send files to one or more specific persons. DataMail lets you specify exactly who may download your file for their use only. After they download it, the file is erased from your Sysop's BBS. DizMan 1.21 [DIZMAN] (Stefan Kuhn, reg. fee: $10) searches archives for a FILE_ID.DIZ file and writes it's contents into the FILES.BBS on your bulletin Board System. It can also search for graphics and sound formats. DizMan recognizes 16 archive extensions, 10 graphics formats and 8 sound formats. This was written for Sysops but could be useful for anyone. DoorBill Door Manager 5.5 [DOORBILL] (MicroNet, reg. fee: $30) is a BBS door manager that supports most BBS software without the need for converters. Includes auto-ANSI detection, command stacking, the ability to place security levels on door categories as well as each door and the option to lock any door based on caller's baud rate. DoorBill supports COM ports 1-4 and Fossil drivers. DoorBill is compatible with PCBoard v14.x, Wildcat!, Spitfire, RBBS, QBBS, Remote Access, WWIV, UltraBBS, Telegard, GAP, TriTel and others. DoorStop 1.1 [DOORST11] (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $20) is a BBS controller door. It allows SysOps to display messages to users before entering a door, lockout/letin users with settings for many different types of criteria, set up certain times to remove a door from service (lock out times), and more. Galactic Overlord 1.22 [JSGO122] (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $25) is a BBS door game of galactic conquest. Each player tries to control a universe of planets. The game is multi-node friendly and features 20+ ANSI screens, animation, and the ability to create text, ANSI, or Wildcat! ranking bulletins. KT-FleaMarket 2.13 [KTFLEA] (Kelsey Technologies, reg. fee: $30) will provide your BBS users with a complete, full featured advertisement system that supports unlimited categories. You can attach files to the ads that the user can download. Live Store 4.7 [STOREX47] (Richard Paquette, reg. fee: $35) is a BBS door that allows the sysop to establish a shopping center environment for the BBS. It includes credit card capabilities, on-line ordering scripts and more. The Ultimate File Request Door 1.00A [UFRD100A] (Paul Taylor, reg. fee: $20) is a file request door that has tag messages so users can communicate with each other, send mail to users who's requests have been fulfilled, etc.. Comes with sample setup for PCB 14.x and Maximus but can be used with most BBS software. ---Updates: Bulletin Board Systems (CM-01) Sapphire 4.08 [SAPPHA] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $45) is a bulletin-board system touted as being maintenance-free and easy to set up and use. -----Communications Programs & Utilities Codec3 1.0 [CODEC310] (TELVOX TELEINFORMATICA, reg. fee: $0) is a very effective data compressor and data encryptor which is popular in Europe. ComTest [COMTEST] (Karl Weller, reg. fee: $0) is an example of using COM Ports with standard C functions. Includes source code and executable file. Beginner's Guide to the Internet [INTERNT] (Suarez Associates, reg. fee: $25) is a computer-based Internet tutorial. It includes a step-by-step guide for novices, and a comprehensive list of sign-up access suppliers. It covers email, ftp, telnet, gopher, archie, veronica, wais, www, USENET newsgroups, BITNET listservs, and Internet Relay Chat. Modem [MODEM] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) lets you perform basic modem operations within a batch file and check the results using DOS ERRORLEVEL processing. NameBBS [NAMEBBS] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) helps you come up with a name for a BBS. The NewsDB 1.0 [NEWSDB10] (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $40) allows the user to create complex hypertext databases from Internet Usenet articles. It features automatic newsgroups references creation, automatic author directories and references and a UNIX to PC translation program. Requires a PC capable of running DPMI programs and The Help Development Kit V9.5 or newer. NFX 1.3 [NFX130] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $0) is a graphic off-line mail reader for QWK packets. It supports large packets, 21,000 messages per conference with up to 21,000 conferences in total. Messages can be up to 400 lines long. Requires EGA/VGA. RComm 2.0 [RCOMM] (Thomas Duller, reg. fee: $25) will handle file transfers from any BBS with memory resident uploading and downloading using XMODEM and YMODEM. It includes a file transfer monitor mode, terminal capture mode and can be used in conjunction with your current communications program. ---Updates: Communications Programs & Utilities (CM-02) Simple Simon Faxer 3.0 [SSFAXER2] (Simple Simon Software, reg. fee: $0) sends a fax to a fax machine/board without CAS or any other interface. -----CompuServe-Specific Programs CIS Billing Tracker 2.1 [CISBIL] (JN Goodale, ASP; reg. fee: $15) is an off-line CompuServe billing organizer. It will gather weekly and daily billing from captured billing information and provide formatted reports on screen, file, or printer. Otto 1.5 [OTTO15] (Otto, reg. fee: $31) is a script automator that can be used with CompuServe's 'autosig' to automate a wide variety of tasks. Otto will send out and gather e-mail, get stock quotes, latest news and sport scores, get the latest weather forecast and more. -----Connectivity (LAN) Software Change Directory/Network 1.0 [CDN100] (Barry Brevik, reg. fee: $24) is a Novell NetWare specific application that makes it easy for anyone to automatically map and de-map network drives from inside a batch file or from the command line. ---Updates: Connectivity (LAN) Software (CM-04) Nouveau 2.4 [NOUVEAU] (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee: $25) is a 7k+ pop-up email system for local area networks. (CM-04) Teamwork Information Exchange 2.1 [TIE21] (Otto-Williams Ltd., reg. fee: $499) combines electronic mail, personal time scheduling, meeting scheduling, and task management into a multi-user system.. =====Business, Database, Mailing List Managers Contents: -----For Use With dBase -----Free-Form Database Programs -----Structured Database Programs -----Mailing List Managers -----For Use With dBase DBindent [DBINDE] (R. S. Van Gorder, reg. fee: $0) is an ASCII PRG file for dBaseIII+ to indent program files and make them easier to read. ChkLoops looks for unmatched loop commands (eg: IF without ENDIF). -----Free-Form Database Programs TXS 3.2 [TXS32] (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $25) uses existential dictionaries and logic operators to allow fast searches on text files. Also includes a hyper-text help system and the ability to store your own words. ---Updates: Free-Form Database Programs (DB-02) Bibl 8.49a [BIBL849A] (Clyde W. Grotophorst, reg. fee: $39) keeps track of books and articles. NEW: the ability to view and edit a DBL file. -----Structured Database Programs DayFlo Tracker Lite 3.1a [DAYFLO3A] (DayFlo Tracker Corp., ASP; reg. fee: $72) lets you keep track of clients, articles, correspondence and more. It allows for both structured information such as names, addresses and phone numbers, as well as text information such as notes, comments, descriptions, etc. It also contains an integrated word processor for writing and merging form letters and organizing them for later retrieval. ---Updates: Structured Database Programs (DB-03) DBLite 1.2e [DBLITE] (Mike Seither, reg. fee: $10) is a simple, quick and easy personal database program. (DB-03) Little Lists 1.1a [LL11] (Elvis Dekoj, ASP; reg. fee: $18) is a simple database program. Requires 512K RAM and a hard disk. NEW: the ability to import/export from DBF and ASCII delimited files, and the ability to read text files. -----Mailing List Programs Address List Manager 5.01 [ALM501] (Jack Hudgions, reg. fee: $15) is a mailing list manager that handles up to 2400 records per file. Features include an easy to use editor, fast sorting, automatic return address printing and versatile customization. You can customize output to fit any size page, index card, envelope or labels. New: Phone number storage/printing and mouse support. Freight+ UPS Rate Look-UP 1.73 [FRT173] (Carrera Computers, reg. fee: $50) is a memory resident UPS rate program which will calculate all UPS rates, insurance, COD, Saturday delivery, oversized charges etc. (On MegaDisk or CD-ROM only.) ---Updates: Mailing List Programs (ML-01) Public Address 3.10 [PUBADD] (Chris M Davies, ASP; reg. fee: $20) is a mailing list manager. (ML-01) USMAIL 3.1a [USMAIL] (Steve Madden, reg. fee: $42) let's you quickly look up mailing costs in the U.S and other countries. (ML-01) Zipkey 2.06 [ZK206] (Isaacson, Eric, ASP; $30) allows instant access to any of the more than 43,000 zipcodes in its complete city-level directory of five-digit U.S. zip codes. This update contains the latest update to the shareware zipcode database. =====Words & Graphics (Includes Printer apps & utilities) Contents: -----Word Processing Programs -----Spelling & Thesarus -----Forms Creators -----Other Word Processing Utilities -----Clip Art and Fonts -----Graphics Displays, Pictures -----General Drawing Programs -----Graphic Presentations -----Printing Utilities & Applications -----For Epson and Compatibles -----For HP LaserJet and Compatibles -----Word Processing Programs The Aurora Editor 1.1 [AURORA] (Aurora Terra, reg. fee: $49) is a text editor with mouse support, object oriented macro language, user definable menus, binary editing, file scan, bookmarks and more. (400k) DPS- Document Processing System 1.0 [DPS] (Phillip H. Sherrod, ASP; reg. fee: $25) formats text files for printing. It can cross-reference specified text and automatically fill in section and page numbers and make an index. The Ultimate Editor 1.5 [UEDIT20] (Patrick R. Rygiel, reg. fee: $30) is a full screen editor. It includes a DOS Shell and full file directory listings. It also runs batch files, compiles source code from inside the editor, and links your compiled programs. ZZ Edit 1.0 [ZZEDIT] (Scott McPherson, reg. fee: $0) is a small, simple editor for use on a floppy-based laptop. It can be used to edit batch files, memos, notes, etc. ---Updates: Word Processing Programs (WP-01) Breeze 5.2 [BREEZE52] (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $40) is an easy to use word processor with many interesting features. (WP-01) Galaxy Pro-Lite 2.1 [PRO21] (Gordon J. Wanner, reg. fee: $50) is a fast, easy-to-use word processor. NEW: mouse support has been added for directory listing, now uses extended memory and accepts keyboard translation for printing special characters. -----Spelling & Thesarus Word Translator Croatian Edition 3.52 [CROATIAN] (N. Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up English-Croatian-English translator and dictionary. It features bilingual spell checking, grammar help, word-by-word document translation inside your text based word processor. Requires a hard drive with at least 3.5 MB of free space. -----Forms Creators Dr. Form 3.0 [DRFORM30] (Russ Irwin, ASP; reg. fee: $43) creates professional quality forms. It generates forms with up to 63 rows by 136 columns. Features include mouse support, automatic grid maker, line drawing, manual and automatic time and date stamp, label printing, and the ability to create master forms and fill them in, print on pre-printed forms, and create templates. Requires 512K. ---Updates: Writing Analyzers (WU-03) PC-Proof 2.0 [PC_PRO] (Intellect Systems, ASP; reg. fee: $40) is a grammar checker which can detect dropped words. -----Other Word Processing Utilities Document Cleaner 1.0 [DOCL10] (David Leithauser, reg. fee: $5) converts word processor files into ASCII files by converting Tab characters into spades, stripping out non-text control character, adding hard carriage returns, and adding margins. ---Updates: Other Word Processing Utilities (WU-05) Word Translator Danish Edition 3.52 [DANISH] (N. Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up English-Danish-English translator and dictionary. (WU-05) Word Translator German Edition 3.52 [GERMN_NK] (N. Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up English-German-English translator and dictionary. (WU-05) Word Translator Portuguese Edition 3.52 [PORTU] (N. Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up English-Portuguese-English translator and dictionary. (WU-05) Word Translator Russian Edition 3.52 [RUSSIAN] (N. Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up English-Russian-English translator and dictionary. (WU-05) Sleek 4.0 [SLEEK] (Lambert Klein, ASP; reg. fee: $14) reformats text files to change the length of or remove word wrapped lines. NEW: will remove all leading spaces. (WU-05) Word Translator Spanish Edition 3.52 [SPANISH] (N. Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up English-Spanish-English translator and dictionary. (WU-05) Typemate 5.0 [TYPEEN50] (Martijn Y. de Deugd, reg. fee: $25+) is a typing tutor for the English, French and Dutch languages. (WU-05) Word Counter 2.01A [WRDCOUNT] (Raymond Rodgers, reg. fee: $0) counts the number of words in a text file. -----Clip Art and Fonts ASG-Art01 [ASGART01] (Andrew S. Galencher, reg. fee: $0) is a 4-disk set of clip art in PCX format. The sets are made up of public domain photos and detailed drawings. The complete set has been preinstalled in the DOS\ASGART.PRE directory for easier access. [ASGART01] - animals, birds [ASGART04] - images from the world's great nations [ASGART08] - famous painters [ASGART09] - images of the Columbian Exposition and Christmas in the 1800's. ASG-Art01 [ASGART06] (Andrew S. Galencher, reg. fee: $0) is a 3-disk public domain clip art collection of old images, mainly with a religious theme. The complete set has been preinstalled in the DOS\ASGART directory for easier access. Classic Canines [CANINES] (BCM Graphics, reg. fee: $15) is a collection of PCX files of various breeds of dogs. The files have been preinstalled on the CD in \DOS\CANINES.PRE for easier access. ---Updates: DTP Utilities and Programs (DP-02) AlphaQuote 3.1 [AQ31] (Bruce Robey, ASP; reg. fee: $29) is for budgeting or billing typesetting and desktop publishing projects. NEW: Several rates files are included with the ability to change easily from one set of rates to another. It allows for spot art, halftones, tabular, foreign language or other more difficult matter. It also prints estimates to disk and keeps track of the price for each page and the running total of a magazine, newsletter or other projects that vary from page to page. (DP-02) Code To Code 4.1 [CTOC41] (Bruce Robey, ASP; reg. fee: $29) is a collection of programs for working with files containing typesetting codes. -----Graphics Displays, Pictures 3DWorld 1.0 [3DWORLD] (Charles Carr, reg. fee: $12) is a virtual reality demonstration that allows you to move around through objects such as trains, buildings, planes, animals, toy boxes and more. Requires a hard drive and 256 color VGA. Cs44 4.14 [CS44] (reg. fee: $0) is an on-line GIF viewer. It displays GIF pictures while you are downloading them from any BBS using ZModem. PCX2LCN 1.1 [ICN11] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $20) converts PCX files to RIP Icon format. MagniPaint 3.7 [MPAIN37] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $20) is a graphic editor for creating and manipulating small graphic images. It can handle graphics up to 100 x 100 pixels in size with 16 or 256 colors. It supports PCX, BMP, ICO and RIP icons. Requires a mouse, VGA/SVGA. Tigress [TIGRESS] (reg. fee: $0) is a "morph" of a woman changing into a tiger. Morphing is a graphic technique seen in movies like Terminator 2. This is actually an improvement of a morph that PsL once did for a cover story on morphing. ---Updates: Graphics Displays, Pictures (GR-01) PCX2EXE 1.44 [PCX2EX14] (Mike Williams, reg. fee: $25) converts PCX files into self-displaying EXE files. NEW: a TSR screen grabber that saves in PCX format and no limit on the size of PCX files that can be created. -----General Drawing Programs Deluxe Paint Brush Collection 1.0 [DPA] (Nicola Battista, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of brushes for Deluxe Paint Enhanced from Electronic Arts. DREAMS starring JENNIFER [JENGAL] (Nicola Battista, reg. fee: $0) is a "Gallery" animation for Deluxe Paint Enhanced by Electronic Arts. Rotor 2.0s [ROTOR20] (Michel Robert, reg. fee: $60) is an interactive animation engine. It creates graphic designs, images, and animations. The program incorporates a wide variety of built-in shapes, and it supports user-defined forms. These can be animated in a multitude of ways: sequences, rotations, expansions, contractions, deformations, linear and non-linear travels, color and texture variations, etc. Text-Draw 1.0 [TEXTDR] (SoftCircuits Programming, reg. fee: $0) is an ANSI-character drawing program. You can use it to make screens for software you write, for BBSs, for batch files, etc. Text Paint 1.5 [TPAINT15] (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $10) lets you create plain or multi-colored text screens. It supports 43/50 line modes on EGA/VGA and ASCII line drawing characters. You can also create slide shows. A TSR is included for capturing color text screens for editing with Text Paint. Requires a mouse. ---Updates: General Drawing Programs (GR-02) Hatcher Hatch Patterns 1.sw [HATCHER] (Morris E. Sharp, reg. fee: $40) is a collection of 100 AutoCAD hatch patterns. Supports AutoCAD versions 10 and 11, but not 12. (GR-02) Improces 2.0 [IMPROCES] (John Wagner, reg. fee: $25) is an excellent SVGA image processor supporting all modes from 320x200x256 through 1024x768x256. (GR-02) ProtoCAD 3D 1.10c [PROTOCAD] (David A. Leonard, ASP; reg. fee: $65) is a fast 3D CAD/rendering program. -----Graphic Presentations TifView 1.0 [TIFVIEW] (Pegasus Imaging Corporation, reg. fee: $0) is a TIF file viewer which supports panning, zooming and changing pages on multipage TIFs. It will also perform three types of anti-aliasing. ---Updates: Graphic Presentations (GR-04) Animation For Everyone [ANIMATE] (Russell D. Hoffman, reg. fee: $0) is a demonstration of Russell's Animation Machine (#20058). (GR-04) Russell's Animation Machine 8.24 [RUSSELL] (Russell D. Hoffman, reg. fee: $27) lets you create and display graphic applications. -----Printing Utilities & Applications Barcode-Blobs 1.0 [BCB] (GRAFTech Development Corporation, ASP; reg. fee: $56) produces black and white PCX bar code graphics for use with any programs which can import PCX graphic files. Bar codes supported by the program include UPC A, UPC E, EAN/IAN 8 & 13, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128 A,B & C, Standard 2 of 5 and POSTNET/POSTNET ABC. GRAFTech's Labels-Plus 3.0 [GTLABEL] (GRAFTech, ASP; reg. fee: $56) is a barcode labeling program. It prints on over 300 different dot matrix printers including Epson, IBM, Okidata, Panasonic and compatibles. Support is provided for UPC Version A, UPC Version E, UPC/EAN/IAN 13, UPC/EAN/IAN 8, Interleaved 2 of 5, Standard 2 of 5, Code 39 and Code 128. Data may be entered through the keyboard or via delimited or fixed-position ASCII files. Label Pro II 1.0 [LPIIS] (Patrick R. Rygiel, reg. fee: $20) prints single and two-part mailing labels. It has many fonts from which to choose. Print Commander 3.0 [PRNCOM] (Sorcerer Software, ASP; reg. fee: $15) is a 4k printer control TSR. Print-Screen Plus 1.0 [PSPLUS] (Terry Dauplaise, reg. fee: $15) is a TSR which does a formfeed after a print-screen is done from the keyboard. Ron's Print To Printer 4.0 [RPTP40] (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $20) is a text file formatter and printer support program. It supports page breaks, line numbering, headers and footers, any combination of page length and page width and can print multiple file documents. RPTP includes a front-end RPTPF program for DOS and Windows. ---Updates: Printing Utilities & Applications (P1-01) Pop-Label 2.4 [PL24] (Robert F. Keber Jr., reg. fee: $20) is a small program for creating and printing labels. (P1-01) Underbar 2.4 [UNDBAR] (Binary Systems, ASP; reg. fee: $35) is a 2K TSR which prints a Postnet bar code under any address that has a zip+4 code or a delivery point bar code. -----For Epson and Compatibles Buscards 3.2 [BUSCARDS] (David R. Long, reg. fee: $35) will print business cards on an Epson or IBM dot-matrix printer. Buscards give you a choice of borders, styles and allows you to control the output to your printer. ---Updates: For Epson and Compatibles (P2-01) EZ Epson 1.09 [EEDOS109] (Michael Fenemore, reg. fee: $5) is a printer control utility. (P2-01) KwikLabl 3.4/A [KWKLBL] (John F. Cram, reg. fee: $10-15) prints small return address labels for the upper left corner of the envelope. NEW: a custom border editor which allows you to make your own individual border design. -----For HP LaserJet and Compatibles Labeler 5.10 [LABELER] (Russell D. Hoffman, ASP; reg. fee: $15) makes it easy to print labels on Avery 3.5" and 5.25" laser labels. Txt2HP 1.01 [TXT2HP] (no name given, reg. fee: $0) is a command-line utility that will print an ASCII file to an HPLJ-compatible printer, optionally in 2-column landscape and/or duplex modes. ---Updates: For HP LaserJet and Compatibles (P2-02) FontEdit 2.11 [FED211] (Alexander Walter, reg. fee: $30) is font editor for HP LaserJet printers. (P2-02) Laser Letterhead Plus 3.5 [LASERLTR] (Consultant Pharmacist Services, ASP; reg. fee: $25) will print letterhead stationary and envelopes on an HP LaserJet. =====Programming NOTE: See the PRGMMING directory on this month's CD-ROM for a complete collection of all the programming routines, utilities, etc., from the Programming section of PsL's disk-based library. Contents: -----Assembler -----BASIC, QuickBASIC -----`C': Small Routines and Tools -----`C': Large Libraries, Utils. -----Pascal: Small Subroutines -----Pascal: Large Libraries, Utils. -----General Programming Tools & Info. -----Assembler ASM32 0.9. [ASM32] (Douglas Herr, reg. fee: $25-50) is a library of assembly-language subroutines designed for use with the START32 DOS extender/startup code. ---Updates: Assembler (PG-02) XLIB 2.0 [XLIB20] (Dr. David Pyles, reg. fee: $45) is an assembly language library which can greatly simplify protected-mode programming. NEW: better interrupt management services, greater configurability and updated documentation. -----BASIC, QuickBASIC BAScrn 1.0 [BASCRN] (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $8) is a screen designing utility. It allows you to easily create text-based screens which can be saved and used in QuickBasic, QBASIC or PDS programs. HiLite 1.0 [HILITE] (Dave Wright, reg. fee: $0) is a Quick Basic subroutine for highlighting selected text. This is useful for menuing systems, pick lists and various other tasks when programing in QB. JDate 1.0 [JDATE] (Sidney J. Kelly, reg. fee: $0) is a set of BASIC routines that allow you to manipulate dates as long integers. The routines also show you how to accept input and display output without using floating point numbers. Monitor [MON2] (reg. fee: $0) is a function for QB4.5 and PDS 7.1 for determining the type of video in a system. Show16 [SHOW16] (PC StartUps, reg. fee: $10-20) is a demo/advertisement for an object library that allows PDS programs to display 640x480x16 color PCX format images using SCREEN 12. WhichCPU 1.0 [WHICHC] (reg. fee: $0) is an assembler routine for PDS 7.1 which tells you what type of CPU is in a machine. ---Updates: BASIC, QuickBASIC (PG-03) Show256 [SHOW256] (PC StartUps, reg. fee: $10,20) is a demo/ad for a library for displaying 256-color PCX files in PDS programs. -----`C': Small Routines and Tools AwkLib 1.0 [AWKLIB] (Jim Mischel, reg. fee: $0) C source code for a set of AWK-like regular expression matching routines. Killer Date Class 4.7 [DATECLS] (Ly Ming Tri, reg. fee: $0) is a full-function date class for C. NEW: fixes the pre/post-fix operators. Fuzzy Cognitive Map [FCM2] (Josef Betancourt, reg. fee: $0) is a simple implementation of the Fuzzy Cognitive Map example found in the texts Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Thinking (by Kosko)and Fuzzy Logic (by McNeill D.) ForAll [FORALL] (Ron Aaronson, reg. fee: $0) lets you execute a command on multiple files. C source code is included. Go Source Code 1.0 [GOGAME] (Colin Walker, reg. fee: $0) is the Turbo C source code for the game of Go. IniFile [INIFIL] (George Byrkit, reg. fee: $0) is an INI file function set for C programs for DOS. This implements the GetProfileString, GetProfileInt, WriteProfileString, GetPrivateProfileString, GetPrivateProfileInt and WritePrivateProfileString. Matv 1.0 [MATV] (Mark Von Tress, reg. fee: $5) is a simple matrix class. It includes IO, binary operations, inversion, unary operations, and several patterned matrices. It is small and portable. The Object Engine 2.0 [OBJENG] (Dr. Mark Brittingham, reg. fee: $25) is a C++ class library that provides a significantly easier interface to the Paradox Engine functions. (Also see Paradox Class Libraries on PsL disk #2179.) Password [PASSWORD] (Anon., reg. fee: $0) is a simple class for entering passwords in TurboVision. Passwords can be stored to disk. New passwords can be defined. Pause 1.0 [PAUSE] (Bill Gatliff, reg. fee: $0) is a C routine to provide a delay that is safer to use than delay() when serial-port interrupts are possible. Raster Utilities #3 [RU03] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $20) is a set of programming tools. It includes a screen clipping utility, a binary-to-source code converter, and a utility for converting PCX/BMP files to a format usable by putimage. You can build resource file and run scripts to create graphics. Save 1.0 [SAVE] (Sagner Software & Systems, reg. fee: $0) is a C++ class that will make updating program versions easier. ScrollDialog [SCRLDLG] (Patrick Reilly, reg. fee: $0) shows how to create a scrollable dialog. User Defined Iostream Manipulator Templates 1.0 [UIOMANIP] (Sam Edge, reg. fee: $0) contains C++ source code that provides template classes to create iostream manipulators that take one or two arguments of any type. It also explains how to extend this to arbitrary numbers of arguments. ---Updates: `C': Small Routines and Tools (PG-04) LZW Data Compression Library for C 1.3 [LZWC13] (MarshallSoft Computing, Inc., reg. fee: $38) is a data compression library for C programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. Supports Borland Turbo C, Microsoft C, and MIX Power C. (PG-04) C++ Wheaton Libraries [WLIB] (Paul Wheaton, reg. fee: $0) is a C++ library for developing faster, smaller programs in less time.. (PG-04) Wheaton C\C++ Source Parser [WPARSE] (Paul Wheaton, reg. fee: $25-50) is a .OBJ file parser for C programmers. -----`C': Large Libraries, Utils. Fixed-Order B-Tree Source Coce 1.1 [FTREE] (Bryan Flamig, reg. fee: $20) is source code in C++ for implementing disk-based B-trees, based on Chapter 14 of the book "Practical Data Structures in C++", by Bryan Flamig, (John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-55863-X). Hercules 1.1 [HERCULES] (Geoff Friesen, reg. fee: $10) is a C library for accessing and controlling Hercules compatible graphics cards. Pictor Text Mode Video Library for C 1.01 [PICTOR] (SoftCircuits Programming, reg. fee: $52) is a video library for text-mode applications written in MSC 7.0 or Borland C 3.0. It features complete pulldown menu system, interrupt-driven serial communications routines and more. Proxy 1.12 [PROXY] (Burt Leavenworth, reg. fee: $25) is an interpreter which uses a syntax similar to C. It uses data structures such as sets, maps, sequences, and objects. You can make incremental changes and test them immediately. Object Coupling Wizards 1.0 [WIZTOO] (Rob Buck, reg. fee: $0) is a set of code generators which create central objects for coupling clients, servers, producers and consumers. Wheaton Windows 1.0 [WW] (Paul Wheaton, reg. fee: $0) is a clean user interface for text mode. It handles two video devices and includes about a dozen types of menus including menus for users to shift the order of their selections or to make selections ---Updates: `C': Large Libraries, Utils. (PG-4A) CEnvi 1.003 [CENV1003] (Brent Noorda, reg. fee: $38) is a simple interpreter that uses C syntax. (PG-4a) LumiNet 1.5 [LUMINET] (Patrick Todd, ASP; reg. fee: $55) is a collection of functions that can be used by C or Clipper developers to create documents WordPerfect 5.1 page layup, fonts and text formatting and which can be accessed from any C or Clipper program. -----Pascal: Small Subroutines LastLook 1.02 [LASTLOOK] (D.J. Murdoch, reg. fee: $0-$20) scans Turbo Pascal .EXE files and reports if the file was compiled in Turbo/Borland Pascal, if it's a regular DOS executable, if it includes external debugging information with the EXE, if it contains TurboVision-style resource files and more. Omenu 1.0 [OMENU] (John J. Faubion, reg. fee: $0) is a GUI dropdown menu system for Borland Pascal 7.0. Parser 1.1 [PARSE11] (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $15) is a recursive decent expression parser unit for Turbo Pascal. Parser supports 10 general purpose variables in formulas. SortKit 1.1 [SRTKIT11] (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $25) is a TP6 OOPS sort library that includes internal and external sorting. ---Updates: Pascal: Small Subroutines (PG-06) LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal 1.3 [LZWP13] (MarshallSoft Computing, Inc., reg. fee: $38) is a data compression library for Turbo Pascal programmers which uses the LZW algorithm. (PG-06) Raster Master 3.7 [RMAST37] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $24) lets you easily create graphics for your TP programs. NEW: demo programs for setting palette tables, autodesk animator CEL format, Windows BMP format, ability to add inverting to mouse images, API system for adding new file formats, support for 256 colors, palette editor, and save options for saving the palette as source code and for creating mouse images. -----Pascal: Large Libraries, Utils. HelpSys 1.0 [HSYS10] (KAP Holger Lembke, reg. fee: $59) is a limited demo of a utility for creating Turbo-Vision helpfiles.It can import, export, and convert existing helptexts and helpfiles into other formats. (On CD and 3.5" MegaDisk only.) SVGABG 1.0 [SVGABG] (Jordan Hargrave, reg. fee: $20/each) is a set of video drivers for C or Pascal. They support a wide range of VGA cards, and should work on all major brands. TVGraphic [TVGR70] (Richard P Andresen, reg. fee: $0) is a port of Borland's text-based Turbo Vision to DOS graphics mode with extensions, enhancements and a pleasing graphic look. It runs using the Borland EGA/VGA graphics driver and requires Turbo Vision TPU's to compile programs. TVGraphic is supplied as TPU's in either TP6.0 or BP7.0 format. ---Updates: Pascal: Large Libraries, Utils. (PG-6a) 3DLib 2.0 [3DLIB20] (Ron Loewy,, reg. fee: $15) is a Turbo Pascal 3D graphic animation package. (PG-6a) Pull 7.0b [PULL70B] (Eagle Performance Software, ASP; reg. fee: $19-29) is a set high performance pull-down menu utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0 (PG-6A) Qwik 7.1a [QWIK71A] (Eagle Performance Software, ASP; reg. fee: $25) is a high performance screen writing utility for TP4 programmers. (PG-6a) WNDW-Multi-level Virtual Windows 7.0c [WNDW70] (Eagle Performance Software, ASP; reg. fee: $29) is a set of high performance windowing utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0. -----General Tools & Info. Demo Workshop 1.1 [DWRK11] (P2 Enterprises, ASP; reg. fee: $65) is a demo and tutorial maker. You can create stand-alone presentations using actual screens captured during the running of DOS programs. You can then edit the recorded screens like editing a movie, cut and resequence scenes, and add pop-up menus and text windows and special effects. No programming is required. It creates an EXE running tutorial/demo file as output. FuzzGen 1.0 [FUZZGEN] (Gary L. Alston, reg. fee: $15-25) is a source code generator for Fuzzy Logic. FuzzGen allows you to graphically model decisions and output source code in C, PASCAL, and BASIC. Go 2.20A [GO] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) is a software installation program. VControl 1.0 [VCONTROL] (James Shaw, reg. fee: $0) allows programmers to backup revisions of code automatically. Also includes other small programs to simulate version control software. ---Updates: General Tools & Info. (PG-08) Help Development Kit 9.5 [HDK95A, HDK95B] (Reuben Halevi, reg. fee: $50) creates help files for the Windows Help engine, DESQview/X, QuickHelp, THelp, TVHC, and PopHelp. NEW: OS/2 IPF links pop-up and keywords support, error processing and more. (PG-08) MSDOS Interrupt List 3.7 [INTER37A, INTER37B, INTER37C, INTER37D] (Ralf Brown, reg. fee: $0) is a comprehensive listing of functions available through interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. =====Utilities Contents: - Disk & File Related: -----Archiving -----Anti-Virus -----Batch File Utilities -----Disk & Drive Utilities -----Directory Listers/Editors -----File Changing, Copying, Deleting -----File Cataloging -----Hard Disk Utilities -----Subdirectory Utilities -----File Viewing, Comparing, Other - System Utilities: -----Desktop Programs -----DOS Menu/Shell Programs -----Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick -----Operating System Utilities -----System Set-Up, Testing & Control -----Utility Sets -----Video Utilities -----OS/2 Programs =====Disk & File Related Utilities -----Archiving LHA Command Line Referance Guide 1.0 [LGUIDE1] (Frostbyte Software, reg. fee: $8) is a tutorial and quick reference guide for the beginner user of the LHA Archiving Utility. Displays examples for all the LHA commands. Shows you how to make, delete, add to, view, print, update LHA archives, how to make your archives self-extracting and more. Includes LHA version 2.13. Requires CGA Monitor or better. Stealth 2.1 [STLTH21] (David Smith, reg. fee: $15) is an archive converter. It converts all compressed files to any other format. It supports ARJ, ARC, LHA, HAP, SQZ, DWC, PAK, ZIP 1.1 and 2.0, ICE, LHARC, LARC, HYPER, SDN, and ZOO. It also updates PKZip 1.1 and 2.0 normal files to 2.0. Tron 1.06 [TRON] (Michael Bauder, reg. fee: $20DM) is a decompressor for files packed by such archivers as PKLITE, DIET, LZEXE, TINY, EXEPACK, PRO-PACK, COMPACK etc. Zip Chunker Pro 3.0 [ZCP300] (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $25) is a file splitting utility for DOS and OS/2. It supports ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, and ZIP files. The program splits to a size to fit a specific floppy format or a user specified size. Files except archives can be rejoined. Archives can be split so that they will extract to fit on a specific floppy size. Zip20x 1.0 [ZIP20X] (The Info-Zip Group, reg. fee: $0) a file compressor which creates ZIP files compatible with PKZIP 2.0. ---Updates: Archiving (U1-01) The Norton Commander Archive Viewer 4.0 [AVIEW40] (Chris Buijs, reg. fee: $0) is a utility to view, extract and manipulate ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZIP and ZOO files. NEW: increased number of files per archive and files in file-selector, more mouse control and updated documentation. (U1-01) ExeMaster 4.1 [EXEMAS] (David Smith, reg. fee: $15) displays information about EXE and COM files, including archiver used, whether it is for DOS or Windows, whether it is a compiled batch file or self-displaying text file and more. NEW: supports LARC (LZS), NOLZEXE, Protect EXE/COM 1.1 and 2.0, CryptCOM, COMVert, COM-PAK, DOCMaker, TSRMaker, TxtMaker, Cop 1.0 & 1.4, Show v2.0, Breeze v5.2, ICE encrypted COM files, GIFEXE resolutions, BSA (Soviet archiver), PKARCK 3.5, TopSpeed C 3.0 Crunch, LH Archiver, LHA 2.10, PKLite version number, plus detection of extra compressed PKLites and advanced Breeze algorithms. (U1-01) EzCode 3.0 [EZCODE30] (Charles J. Hill, reg. fee: $30) is a compression/decompression shell. NEW: improved archive reading and more mouse control. (U1-01) SHEZ 9.4 [SHEZ] (James Derr, reg. fee: $39) is a shell program to make viewing and working with archive files user friendly. NEW: printing to HPLaserJets in landscape compressed mode shading every other line. (U1-01) Zip Chunker 3.0 [ZC300] (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $0) will split a large ZIP file into smaller ZIP files of a user-specified size. NEW: OS/2 2.x version. (U1-01) ZDiff 1.3 [ZDIFF1] (Christophe Dubourg, reg. fee: $20) is an archive/directory comparison program. NEW: more control over comparison parameters. -----Anti-Virus Virex 2.9 [VIREX] (Datawatch Corporation, reg. fee: $50) is a virus detector. It protects you from all viruses, known and unknown. It features scanning, integrity checking, and disinfection. ---Updates: Anti-Virus (U1-02) AVScan 1.23 [AVS123] (Tjark Auerbach, reg. fee: $0) is a virus scanner. (U1-02) Clean-up ver. 1.08 [CLEAN108] (McAfee Associates, reg. fee: $15-35) is a virus scanning program. (U1-02) Net Shield 1.5 [NSHLD] (McAfee Associates, Inc. 3350 Scott Boulevard, Building 14 Santa Clara, California 95054-3107, reg. fee: $25) is the network part of McAfee's anti-virus utilities. (U1-02) VShield 5.53v108 [VSHLD] (McAfee Associates, reg. fee: $18) is part of the McAfee anti-virus package. -----Batch File Utilities Daily 1.0 [DAILY1] (Don W. Thurston, reg. fee: $0) allows you to run selected programs on once per day on boot-up. Freeboot 1.0 [FREEB] (Mike Edgerton, reg. fee: $0) allows you to specify a warm boot, a cold boot and write all data that is currently cached by SMARTDRV to disk before you reboot. KwikMenu 3.0/A [KWKMNU] (John F. Cram, reg. fee: $10) helps you easily create menu listings and batch files. Message 2.0 [MSG] (Patrick R. Rygiel, reg. fee: $15) adds sound, messages, and a graphic screen saver to batch files. ---Updates: Batch File Utilities (U1-03) A Batch View Utility Set 1.1 [ABATVIEW] (Robin R. Latham, reg. fee: $15) lets you add color pop-up menus, message windows, screen clearing functions and more to batch files. (U1-03) BatKit 5.4 [BATKIT] (Ken Hipple, reg. fee: $15) started out as a nice way to get a keypress from a user in a batch file. (U1-03) Ultra ToolBox 6.0 [ULTRA] (David Smith, reg. fee: $10) contains 200+ functions, primarily for use in batch files. -----Disk & Drive Utilities DF Utility 3.51 [DF351] (VitCom Int. Shareware Group, reg. fee: $20) is a menu-driven disk formatting utility. Double Check 1.0 [DS_TEST] (Blossom Software Corporation, reg. fee: $30) tests the fragmentation and stability of a compressed drive. It gives complete information about the status of a drive, warning of potential trouble before it happens. Other features include reporting how much disk space is really available, tells how much space is occupied by Sentry "deleted" files, helps you recover damaged files and more. DiskDup 1.05 [DSKDP105] (Roger K. Snyder, reg. fee: $10) copies floppy disks using the hard drive for virtual memory. It eliminates the task of disk swapping and allows multiple copies to be made with a single pass. Fantom Frequently Asked Questions 1.0 [FANTOM] (Paul Reid, reg. fee: $0) explains why you can sometimes get an incorrect directory listing after changing floppies, and what to do about it. FMT 1.0 [QFORMAT] (Scott Huish, reg. fee: $1) is a set of batch files which aid in the formatting of disks. ---Updates: Disk & Drive Utilities (U1-04) Disk Copy Fast 4.3 [DCF43] (DCF Software, reg. fee: $25) is a one-pass disk duplicating utility. (U1-04) Dupe 1.23 [DUPE123] (Best Technology, reg. fee: $16) allows you to copy disks faster and easier then with DOS's DISKCOPY. (U1-04) FDFormat 1.8 [FDFORM] (Christoph H. Hochstetter, reg. fee: $0) is a disk formatter with many features. (U1-04) VGA-Copy-Pro 5.2 [VGACOPY] (Thomas Moenkemeier, ASP; reg. fee: $45) is a fast one-pass disk copier and formatter for up to 2.88MB floppies, including special formats like 1.74MB. Requires EGA/VGA and mouse. -----Directory Listers/Editors Dexe 4.82 [DEXE482] (Sunil Sebastian, reg. fee: $0) is a multi-color sorted directory lister. PurgeDir 1.0 [PURGEDIR] (Strategy Software, reg. fee: $10) removes directories, subdirectories and files. ---Updates: Directory Listers/Editors (U1-05) Eddy 7e [EDDY7E] (John Scofield, ASP; reg. fee: $20) is a full-screen directory editor and general purpose disk utility. (U1-05) Handy Directory 2.9 [HD29] (James M Walters, reg. fee: $5) is a color-coded sorted directory utility. NEW: improved edit command. -----File Changing, Copying, Deleting Clean List 1.0 [CLEANL] (Fernando Lacambra, reg. fee: $5) deletes duplicate lines from a sorted text file. CleanUp 1.0 [CLNUP] (Brian D. Catlin, reg. fee: $0) cleans up your hard drive by deleting any BAK, $$$, TMP, SYD or OLD files. Also deletes files with file length of zero. DelEx 1.26 [DELEX126] (Samuel Kaplin, reg. fee: $6) allows deleting all files except the patterns that you specify. DelEx will handle 10 patterns at once, erase hidden and read-only files and keep logs of its file deletions. FED 1.6 [FED16] (Geoffrey H. Gillmer, reg. fee: $0) is a text search-and-replace utility. Up to 100 edit commands can be entered in a command file to be executed in one pass. File Search and Replace 1.0 [FSR] (Todd Osborne, reg. fee: $0) is a routine that will scan a DOS file searching and replacing matching text strings. JS-FCopy 1.0 [JS_FCOPY] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $18) simplifies the task of finding and making copies of files. JS-FCopy will search for files by extension or file name on one or more drives and copy them to a specified destination. JS-FDel 1.0 [JS_FDEL] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $18) simplifies the task of finding and deleting files. JS-FDEL can search for files by extension or file name on one or more drives at a time and delete them with or without prompting you for each file. JSReport 1.1 [JSRPRT11] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $25) lets you extract data from files and format the data into reports. Ron's Flexible Fast Sort 2.3 [RFFSRT23] (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $20) is a sort utility for files with fixed sized records and text files. It allows the user to sort the files using up to 10 sort fields in ascending or descending order. RM 3.0 [RM] (Richard Cochran, reg. fee: $0) is a Unix-like command to remove one or more files or directories. ---Updates: File Changing, Copying, Deleting (U1-06) PC-Crypt 8.0 [CRYPT8E] (James T. Demberger, reg. fee: $0) features encryption and decryption of disk files using the Vernam process combined with use of random or One-Time-Pad keyfiles. (U1-06) Global File Editor 2.7 [GLEDT] (Gary C. Crider, reg. fee: $16) lets you globally search and replace a string of characters in all selected files. (U1-06) Jason's File Finder 2.0d [JFF] (RMH Computer Services, ASP; reg. fee: $10) fast, and easy-to-use DOS file finder. (U1-06) JSDDuper 3.2 [JSDDUP32] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $13) will read a data file and make a new file without any duplicate records on it. (U1-06) JSTake 1.1 [JSTAKE11] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $8) will make a new output file from a larger file with only the number of records you pick (U1-06) Parse-O-Matic 2.33 [PAR] (Pinnacle Software, reg. fee: $25) is a programmable text-file parsing utility. (U1-06) pE - The "perfect" Editor 4.02 [PE402] (John Salidis, ASP; reg. fee: $42) is a text editor with over 160 functions. (U1-06) PSEdit 3.5 [PSEDT] (Gary C. Crider, reg. fee: $24) is a full screen editor for binary/hex or text files. -----File Cataloging BobCat 3.0 [BOBCAT] (William Cravener, reg. fee: $0) is a directory and file manager that performs over 40 different operations. It includes a file viewer, file searching, a screen blanker and more. ---Updates: File Managers (U1-08) CM_Filer 5.36 [CMFLR536] (Charles F. Martin, ASP, reg. fee: $30) is a split-screen file manager with a full suite of file and dir services. NEW: a built-in diskette copier, floppy diskettes may now be formatted without leaving CMFiler, expanded support for laptop users, a new wipefile feature and more. (U1-08) File Selector 1.11 [FS111] (Tomohumi Kodama, reg. fee: $35) is a file/directory manager and DOS menu program. -----Hard Disk Utilities 4_Drive Utilities 1.0 [4DRVU100] (Dustbowl Designs, Inc., reg. fee: $0) tells you the number of cylinders, heads and sectors on IDS drives. Jobber 1.0 [JOB100] (Oliver R.Bell, reg. fee: $?) performs several different functions: executes batch files at specified times or given the presence of a specified file on disk; creates an audit trail of files passing through a directory; and prunes shared directories down to a specified size. Last Access Directory 1.0 [LACCES] (Patri-Soft, ASP; reg. fee: $23) is a TSR which keeps track of the files that are accessed on a system. Qic-Bat for CMS 1.1 [QICBAT] (Douglas R. East, ASP; reg. fee: $20) is a batch file generator for CMS tape backup units. It's an easy way to launch your backups. Features include multi-drive backups, tag file generator, mouse support, scheduler support, group drive, batch file verification reports and more. ---Updates: Hard Disk Utilities (U1-09) PC-Vault 4.6 [PCV46] (Johnson Computer Systems, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $35) asks for a user name and/or password when you boot your computer. (U1-09) PC-Vault Plus 4.6 [PCVPLS46] (Johnson Computer Systems, Inc., ASP; reg. fee: $95) is a hard disk protection program. (U1-09) TSUtil 1.2 [TSUTIL] (George Tihenea, reg. fee: $25) lets you create partitions or format existing partitions on your hard drive. Cluster size is selectable. -----Subdirectory Utilities HiDir 1.26 [HIDIR] (Samuel Kaplin, reg. fee: $6) makes directories invisible to normal DIR commands (but not to common sorted directory utilities and file managers). -----File Viewing, Comparing, Other Bigtext 2.4 [BIGTEXT] (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $30) can turn text files of 700k or more into self-scrolling files which will fit on a 360k disk. Features include menus, fast text search, a text paint program and a TSR screen capture utility. CDXF 1.0 [CDXF] (Joseph V. Gagliano, reg. fee: $25) is a 2-dimensional Drawing Interchange File viewer. Requires VGA and a mouse. JSEdit 1.1 [JSEDIT11] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $25) is a ASCII/HEX file editor. NumLines 1.0 [NUMLINES] (SoftCircuits Programming, reg. fee: $0) counts the number of lines in text files. Sear 1.0 [SEAR] (Christopher T Skinner, reg. fee: $0) looks for a string in a file or files. ---Updates: File Viewing, Comparing, Other (U1-11) EZView 5.3 [EZVIEW53] (Charles Hill, reg. fee: $20) is a file viewing utility. (U1-11) File Finder Pack 4.4 [FFF] (ASP; reg. fee: $25) will find files and directories on your hard disk and present them in a scrollable list. (Formerly a small program.) (U1-11) Fview 2.2 [FVW22] (Chris Gordon, reg. fee: $0) is a text file viewer. NEW: horizontal and vertical scroll bars. (U1-11) JSField 2.2 [JSFILD22] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $18) aids in the process of extracting and formatting data. (U1-11) JSPick 2.2 [JSPICK] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $18) checks ASCII files, such as those exported from mailing list programs, for duplicate entries. (U1-11) JSRec 2.1 [JSREC] (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee: $15) attempts to tell you what software created a specified file. (U1-11) Sherlock 2.7 [SRLK27] (Gulf Sierra, ASP; reg. fee: $25) compares two ASCII (text) files line by line. =====Utilities - System Related -----Desktop Programs Cal 2.0 [CAL20] (Paul Wienckowski, reg. fee: $0) is a command line floating point calculator. Fraction 1.0 [FRACTION] (M. Cooper, reg. fee: $0) is a command line driven calculator. It can handle fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, or combinations of these. Solve 1.1 [SOLV11] (C. Kenneth Curtis, reg. fee: $0) is a DOS command line mathematical expression solver for engineers and scientists. Expressions like 2.15 + 6 * sin(pi / 2) are evaluated and the result displayed. SOLVE contains many built in functions including decimal-hexadecimal conversions.. ---Updates: Desktop Programs (U2-01) PCClock 3.00c [PCCLK300] (Michael J. Sadaway, ASP; reg. fee: $20) is a digital alarm clock that displays the date and time in big characters and will optionally set your system's time and date automatically by calling the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (U2-01) RamDesk 2.4 [RAMDESK] (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee: $50) a 7k+ pop-up schedular/alarm, work/expense log, address/phone directory, infobase, and calculator. (U2-01) SmartPhone 1.32 [SP] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $17) is a database of information that can prove useful when making telephone calls. (U2-01) Ultimate Calculator 1.8 [UCALC18] (Daniel Corbier, reg. fee: $25) is an 18-digit scientific calculator. NEW: user functions now accept multiple parameters, and output can be sent to the printer. -----DOS Menu/Shell Programs C-Menu 4.0 [CMENUV4] (Mark J. Finocchio, ASP; reg. fee: $29) is a DOS menu program. Features include a screen blanker, password protection, zero memory usage when other programs run, and more. Condor 4.1 [CONDOR41] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $15) controls escape sequences for use with the ansi graphics program, Condor 4.0. This is for online services that filter out the escape character, thus allowing you to place your graphics created by Condor on BBS systems. Dynamic Menu System 1.0 [DYMENU] (Modern Solutions Corporation, reg. fee: $28) is a menu system that allows up to 676 entries. It includes a programmer's editor, graphics screen saver, and much more. Menu Program 1.01 [MENU101] (Tomohumi Kodama, reg. fee: $25) is a program menu shell that will allow you to execute any DOS or Windows program with a few keystrokes or with a mouse. DOS Tools and Automation 1.0 [TOOLS] (Dan Bosworth, reg. fee: $8) is a colorful menu for performing many of DOS' more popular commands such as copying, formatting, diskcopy, and more. ---Updates: DOS Menu/Shell Programs (U2-02) ezPopMaker 4.0 [EPM40] (Ernest R. Hunter, ASP; reg. fee: $28) is a TSR that allows you to create other TSR pop-up menu programs without programming. (U2-02) HDM IV 4.61 [HDM461] (Jim Hass, reg. fee: $39-54) is an excellent, flexible DOS menu shell. -----Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick KBSet 1.0 [KBSET] (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $0) allows you to set the keyboard toggles, such as the Numlock or Caps lock key, to a desired state under DOS or OS/2 2.x. KeyCount 2.1 [KEYCOUNT] (Rob Cosgrove, reg. fee: $49) is a TSR which keeps a running count of keystrokes entered and periodically logs the result with dat, and time into a file, one file per workstation. KeyCount can be used to track the work of stenographers, typists, and data entry people in a network or on stand-alone PC's. Wedge 2.0 [WEDGE20] (Rob Cosgrove, reg. fee: $49) is a TSR which intercepts characters at the serial port, and redirects them to the keyboard buffer. You can use WEDGE to have serial barcode scanners send data to applications without specifically programming your app for a scanner. ---Updates: Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick (U2-03) In The Beginning 1.3 [ITB] (JFH Soft Systems, reg. fee: $35) records and plays back key strokes used to start programs. -----Operating System Utilities Tessler's Nifty Tools 3.4 [TNT34] (Tessler, reg. fee: $19 ea.) is a collection of over 25 useful programs that control printers, modems, screen output, prompts, ports, floppy drives, sound cards and more. Time-Pro 1.0 [TPSHW] (Promedia Concepts, reg. fee: $18) allows unattended operation of almost any type of DOS program by scheduling routines to be performed at a pre-specified date and time. ---Updates: Operating System Utilities (U2-04) VMiX 386 2.90 [VMIX] (Anthony J. Borras, ASP; reg. fee: $59) is a multi-tasking system for advanced users. NEW: support for COM3 and COM4 at baud rates above 9600, support for network or communications drivers that use IRQ7. -----System Set-Up, Testing & Control ComPort 2.5 [COMPRT] (Open Systems Resources, Inc., reg. fee: $15) allows users to manipulate and display COM and LPT Port Info. CPUTest [CPUTEST] (Tony Doimeadios, reg. fee: $0) measures memory moves, register-to-register operations and finally memory location to register operations. DSTime 1.0 [DSTIME] (Nathan Alan King, reg. fee: $8) automatically adjusts your system's time for Daylight Savings Time changes. IfWait 1.1 [IFWT11] (Gary S. Tessler, reg. fee: $19) controls a speaker or parallel port device such as the TNT IFBUZZ buzzer to allow sending audible feedback to users. -----Utility Sets Eagle Utilities 1.0 [EAGLE] (SoftCircuits Programming, reg. fee: $22) is a set of utilities to set screen colors, clear the screen, display information found in the BIOS parameter block in the boot sector of a disk, run a disk drive for cleaning diskettes, turn the keyboard NumLock off, set the number of text rows on EGA/VGA monitors, reset various parameters on VGA displays, view text files, report and optionally set the video mode and video page, create batch files to ask a question and act according to the response given plus more. ---Updates: Utility Sets (U2-06) Patriquin's Hard Disk Utilities [PCOPY93] (Norm Patriquin, ASP; reg. fee: $45/set) This is an update to PCopy 9.3, which is one of several utilities in this set. (U2-06) See 3.0 [SEE] (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) lets you view or print text files. -----Video Utilities ANSIPLUS 3.01 [ANSIPLUS] (Kristofer Sweger, reg. fee: $25-39) is an ANSI driver which provides full color control, screen saver, scrollable screen, ANSI support, a key buffer, utilities, configuration menu, and more. MegaClip 2.2 [MCLIP22] (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $20) can load, clip and save PCX, BMP, and RIP in any of the formats. Requires a mouse and EGA/VGA. SPEEDUP! 1.0 [SPEEDUP1] (Nicola Baattista, reg. fee: $3) allows you to speed up and slow down programs by controlling the speed with which they write to the screen. For example, on a 286 directory listings will flash up on the screen, or on a 386, you could slow down (some) games. Text Magic 1.0 [TMAGIC10] (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $0) is a TSR that captures text screen images from other programs. Full color images can then be viewed and edited with the program "Text Paint" (by the same author). Text Magic can capture screens in ansi format and plain ascii format. ---Updates: Video Utilities (U2-07) Condor 4.0 [CONDOR40] (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $15) is an ANSI.SYS replacement. (U2-07) Desert Frog Screen Scenes 3.2 [DFROG] (William P. Mann, reg. fee: $15) are TSR (15k) screen blankers/savers with a twist. (U2-07) EZVideo 1.1 [EZVIDEO] (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $8) is a data-tracking program for your video collection. (U2-07) IfOnScrn 2.1 [IFON21] (Gary S. Tessler, reg. fee: $19) is a TSR which watches the screen for any of three different text strings to appear, at which point it can pass specified keystrokes to the underlying application, display a text windows, or sound an alert signal. (U2-07) Screen Saver 5.14 [SCSV] (Tom Donnelly, reg. fee: $23) blanks the screen on demand or after a specified period of system inactivity. -----OS/2 Programs Mem 1.0 [MEM100] (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $0) displays memory statistics for OS/2 2.x. SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS 1.10 [SIO115] (Raymond L. Gwinn, reg. fee: $28,48) are OS/2 device drivers. SIO.SYS provides an interface between application programs and the serial communications hardware. VSIO.SYS is a Virtual Device Driver that provides services for DOS programs executing under OS/2. ---Updates: OS/2 Programs (U2-08) INIMaint 2.1k [INMNT21G] (Carry Associates, reg. fee: $30) makes it easy to display and manage INI files. (U2-08) Little Black Book/2 1.20 [LBB2_120] (James E. Johnson Jr., reg. fee: $10) is a personal information manager for OS/2 2.0 PM. NEW: Formerly small program. Adds exporting to both comma-delimited files and in columns, dialing initialization and prefix strings, several new print options, 2-line street addresses, work phone number extensions, email addresses, ability to print index cards, and the address book can now be printed on paper. =====Special Interests -----Church, Religion -----Engineering -----Electronic Publishing -----Music & Sounds -----Stats & Math -----Church, Religion ---Updates: Text of Bible, Reference (CH-01) SeedMaster 2.3 [SMDOS23A, SMDOS23B] (White Harvest Software, reg. fee: $20-40) is a KJV Bible concordance. NEW: Bible databases and resources. ---Updates: Church Accounting (CH-02) Church Membership Tracking Sys 3.3 [CMTS] (Bill Torbert, reg. fee: $389) is a donation tracking system. NEW: over twenty additional reports, event tracking, more user-definable fields, auto-build organizations by birthdate, and sample report pack with ten additional reports. -----Church/Religion, Other Bible Verse of the Day 1.0 [BVD410] (MorriSoft, reg. fee: $5,15) displays an inspirational scripture verse using a variety of user-configurable display options. ---Updates: Church/Religion, Other (CH-03) Scripture Quest 5.0 [SQ500] (Philip P. Kapusta, reg. fee: $11) tests one's knowledge of the Bible. -----Engineering Programs 3DPipe 1.0 [3DPIPE] (Wendel Stassen, reg. fee: $50) is an analysis of stress in a 3-dimensional pipe run caused by pressure and expansion. Demand 2.0 [DEMAND20] (Electric Designs Software, reg. fee: $39) produces professional, customized reports for the demand calculation on new or existing single dwellings according to the requirements of the 1993 National Electrical Code (NEC) NFPA 70. ---Updates: Engineering Programs (EN-01) Storm Water Management [HC6] (Ron Eaglin, reg. fee: $55 each) is a set of programs for stormwater management. (EN-01) Trench 1.08s [TREN18] (Ken Mashburn, ASP; reg. fee: $65) allows you to estimate material, labor and production costs for multi-layed trenches. -----Electronic Publishing The Authorship of the Bible 1.0 [AOTB] (Jim Blanston, reg. fee: $0) questions the authenticity of the Bible. The Consciousness of Light, Lite [C_LITE] (Geoffrey D. Falk, reg. fee: $8) is an article about the underlying unity of science and religion. It proposes a mechanism for the existence of greater free will in expanded states of consciousness consistent with the experiences of meditators in these higher states. Requires VGA. Chaos Corner 3.N6 [CCV3N6] (Robert D. Cowles, reg. fee: $0) is a short computer newsletter. CIA Hypertext 1.0 [CIAHYPR1, CIAHYPR2] (Bangkok Security Associates, ASP; reg. fee: $29) is a PC version of The US Central Intelligence Agency's World Fact Book. The World Fact Book is a standard for US and foreign governments seeking up-to-date economic, geographical and political data on any country or area in the world. CIA Hypertext contains the full text of The World Fact Book, in easy-to-access form. Data can be viewed, saved, printed or pasted into other applications as needed. Requires 1.8 meg of hard disk space. Digital Publishing Association News #20 [DPA_20] (Rexxcom Systems, reg. fee: $0) features news, product developments, and information of interest to authors, distributors, and readers of electronic publications. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Wealth Secrets [EGWS] (Adam Starchild, reg. fee: $?) is information about financial secrets, tips and loopholes. Mortgage Reduction 1.0 [MORTGAGE] (Adam Starchild, reg. fee: $any) shows homeowners how to take advantage of the Equity Acceleration Program. It also contains information on becoming a Mortgage Consultant. NII: Agenda for Action [NAGENDA] (NTIA NII Office, reg. fee: $0) contains text describing the Clinton/Gore administration's agenda for the creation of the Information Highway. The Poet's Corner [POETS] (Kevin J. Keyser, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of three poems in the form of an electronic magazine. Christian Reincarnation 1.0 [REINCARN] (Gaetan Mailloux, reg. fee: $5) theorizes about the possibility of reincarnation and Christianity as being part of the same scheme called the "God Plan". Smoke and Mirrors Vol. 1 #8 10/93 [SM109] (Lucia Chambers, reg. fee: $0) is an electronic magazine of short stories, poetry, articles and graphics.This issue is dedicated to paranoia. Silicon Times Report #9.39 [STR939] (R.F. Mariano, reg. fee: $0) features computer related news worldwide. Silicon Times Report 9.41 [STR941] (R.F. Mariano, reg. fee: $0) is an international on-line magazine. It features accurate up-to-date news and information on current events, original articles, tips, rumors and information on hardware, software, imports, and more. SWRadio 1.0 [SWRADIO] (Mendel Cooper, reg. fee: $0) explains how to build a shortwave radio for as little as 3 to 5 dollars. Also tells how to build a 12-volt power supply for use with your radio, where to tune for broadcast and ham bands in the shortwave spectrum, how to get articles from books and electronics magazines about building shortwave converters and receivers and other shortwave related topics. Winning Bid [WINBID] (Adam Starchild, reg. fee: $?) tells about purchasing merchandise at bargain prices from government auctions. Woman 1.5 [WOMAN15] (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of writings about women. It contains quotes about women along with exceptional writings from Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Freud. There are also memorable writings from the Buddhist and Hindu philosophers and more. Z*Net Online Magazine #43 [ZPC43] (Syndicate Publishing, reg. fee: $0) is an electronically published news magazine. HyperText Reader and Generator 4.3 [HRG43] (Leithauser Research, reg. fee: $25) is a file viewing utility that allows the user to read computer text files. SoftPoem [SOFTPOEM] (Robert Kendall, reg. fee: $0) is a work of interactive video poetry. Text is brought to life with graphics and animation. Requires 640K RAM, a hard disk and EGA/VGA. Silicon Times Report #9.38 [STR938] (R.F. Mariano, reg. fee: $0) is an electronic computer publication with general computer news and press releases. Silicon Times Report #9.40 [STR940] (R.F. Mariano, reg. fee: $0) features computer related news worldwide. -----Music & Sounds MusicEase 4.0 [ME400] (RMH Computer Services, ASP; reg. fee: $49) lets you create, edit, print, and play music notation. MusicEase provides a WYSIWYG screen oriented editor; lets you see on your computer screen the musical score exactly as it will be printed. one voice at a time. Entering notes is fast and easy with many keyboard shortcuts. MusicEase supports standard MIDI input and output. Sonarc 2.1 [SNRC21] (Speech Compression, reg. fee: $20) compresses and decompresses audio files which are in WAV, VOC or even raw format. Styles 1.0 [STYLES] (G. Val, reg. fee: $0) includes CMF files of Chopin, Palestrina and three original works. ---Updates: Music & Sounds (MU-01) Blaster Master 5.8 [BMASTER] (Gary Maddox, reg. fee: $30-50) is a tool kit for working with raw, uncompressed Sound Blaster VOC files. (MU-03) Guitar Teacher 1.5 [GTDOS150] (Michael Fenemore, reg. fee: $15) displays chord structure for all the major, minor, seventh, major seventh, minor seventh, suspended fourth, and seventh suspended fourth.